Chapter 29

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Joe had dropped onto the chair Will had vacated and Linda came around the bed to drape her arms around his broad shoulders. "Joe, why don't you come home? You can get changed, get something to eat, get a few hours sleep." Joe grasped one of her hands and shook his head, "I told her I'm not leaving and I'm not." Mark shook his head at his wife and she picked up his meaning. Bending to kiss Joe's cheek she said, "Okay honey. I'll go to the house and get you some clothes and stuff." Joe turned and smiled, "Thanks Linda." They got a cab back to collect Linda's car. Mark said to his wife, "There's no point trying to persuade him to go home. You know what Joe's like once he's put his mind to something. Why don't we go back in the morning and you can tell him you'll stay with Lara while he goes back home, gets some food and rest."

After picking up some things for Joe, Linda dropped Mark home and headed back to the hospital. Going quietly into the room she found Joe asleep in the chair and her heart twisted. Backing out she made her way to the nurses' station and said, "Hi, I've just come back to leave Lara's partner Joe a change of clothes and stuff. He's fast asleep. Can I grab a blanket for him? The nurse smiled, "Sure, I'll just go get one for you. He said he doesn't want to leave her." Linda made her way back with the slightly stiff hospital-issue blanket and wished she'd brought one from home. She unfolded it and draped it around the man she loved like a brother and Joe stirred. Linda smiled and whispered, "Go back to sleep Joe. Lara's fine and your bag's right there. I'll be back in the morning." He nodded, glanced at the bed reassuring himself she was still safe and Linda kissed him on the head as he closed his eyes and whispered, "Thanks Linds."

Joe slept fitfully as the nurses came in and out to monitor Lara. In the early morning light, they asked him to step out while they tended to her. She had been awake for a while and she smiled as he laid a feather-light kiss on her injured lips and said, "I'll be back sweetheart." He took his bag and went in search of the bathroom the nurses had given him directions to. When he'd freshened up and changed his clothes he came back and hovered on the chairs in the hallway between the nurses' station and Lara's room. Inside her room, a kindly-faced nurse called Marie helped Lara sit on the edge of the bed. "Sit there a second Lara and make sure you feel okay." Lara nodded trying to breathe the pain in her ribs away and said, "I feel a bit dizzy." Marie rubbed her arms, "It's okay. Just take some deep breaths." Lara nodded and after a minute said, "I'm fine now." Marie nodded with a smile and helped her get to the bathroom. Linda came into the department and spotted Joe sitting in the corridor. She searched his face anxiously as she approached and he smiled, "She's fine. The nurse is just in there and they asked me to wait outside." Linda sagged in relief and Joe stood to kiss her. Seeing the two cups in her hands he said, "Is one of those for me?" Linda smiled, "Yeah, thought you could use one." He took it gratefully and they sat down. Joe savoured the hot liquid and threw an arm around Linda. She leaned on his shoulder and said, "Mark's on his way in later. He's just gone to sort something on a job. Joe, I want you to leave me here with Lara while you go and get some food and rest. I bet you didn't get much sleep last night." Joe shook his head, "I'm okay Linds." Linda sighed and turned towards him, "Joe, I've never told Lara about Abigail. I think it might help her to know what happened. I know it wasn't the same, but she might get some comfort from knowing I've been there." Joe grabbed pulled Linda into a hug and said, "You're incredible and I'm so lucky to have you and Mark." He let her go and sighed, "I guess I should call on my mom, let her know what happened and I could use a shower and a couple of hours' sleep."

He looked up towards the nurse's station to see Will walking towards them. To Will's relief, he stood up and smiled, "She's okay Will." He gave the lawyer an embrace and said, "Is April okay?" Will nodded, "Yeah, she wants to come and see Lara, but I said I'd see what you thought, and see how she was." Joe smiled, "The nurse is with her. When she comes out I'll go see if she's up for visitors." Right on cue the nurse came out carrying a bowl and said to Joe, "You can go back in. The doctor is going to come in soon to give her some pain relief, make her more comfortable." Joe said thanks and squeezed Linda's shoulder. He turned and said, "Give me a couple of minutes." When he went back in Lara was sitting partly upright and her face broke out into a smile seeing him. He perched on the edge of the bed and kissed her. "Hey beautiful, it's so much easier to kiss you now you're sitting up." Lara stroked his face and said, "Can I have a proper hug Joe?" He laughed, "Sure you can. I'll be gentle." Lara drank in the comfort of feeling his arms gently lifting and holding her and kissed his neck, "Thanks, I really needed that." Joe eased her back and took her hand, "Listen, sweet girl, Will and Linda are outside. They want to come say hi, but it's okay if you're not ready." Lara squeezed the hand he was holding and said, "I'd love to see them." Joe winked, "I'll go tell 'em. Before they come in I wanted to ask, do you want me to call Caroline?" Lara shook her head firmly making it throb, "No, don't. She might be my closest biological family, but I don't need her to tell me she knew something bad would happen to me." Her eyes welled and she added, "And Joe I don't want her to say I was an idiot for getting pregnant because she won't understand that I loved our baby." Joe bent and kissed her lovingly, "Then I'll bring your Florida family in."

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