Chapter 37

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Linda took a seat opposite Joe at the meeting table and opened the laptop. She narrowed her eyes and said, "Before we sort your calendar for next week, are you going to tell me what's been going on with you?" Joe sighed, "Mark tell you?" She nodded, "He said you'd talked to her and everything was fine. Is it?" Joe looked sheepish, "Yeah Linds, we're good. It sounds so damn stupid, but I got jealous. Did Lara say anything to you?" Linda shook her head, "Not a word. I'm just glad you came to your senses. She loves you. She'd never cheat on you Joe. She's just not built like that." Joe gave a small smile, "I get it. I just carry that baggage you know?" Linda reached for his hand, "She's nothing like Hayley." He took a deep breath and leaned across the table blurting out, "I'm going to ask her to marry me. I love her so much. I've wanted to do it for a while, but I needed to find the right time." Linda stood up and pulled him into an embrace, "Oh my god Joe, I'm so happy for you both. You deserve to be happy. Joe squeezed her tight and kissed her before letting her go with a grin, "I'm going to get the kids involved. I want them to know I'm all in for them as well as their mom." Linda reached to touch his face, "I'm so proud of you. You're so important to me and Mark." Joe pulled her back to him and held her close, "You guys are everything to me too."

The next morning Joe arrived at school as Charlotte and Grace were finishing their softball training. He ignored Ryan Newman who was watching his daughter flanked by a couple of moms who had clearly made an effort to look good for the occasion. Ryan spotted him, lifting his sunglasses off with a smirk. He walked over and shouted, "Hey Joe!" Joe turned in disdain and when he was close enough said, "What d'you want Ryan?" Ryan was a good four inches shorter than Joe, and even casually dressed for the weekend he dripped money and privilege. He laughed, "Just disappointed it's you and not the luscious Lara this morning. Is that how it works with you two, you pay for her various services during the week, and she throws in letting you play Daddy at the weekend?" Joe looked away thinking there were few people he ever truly loathed but Ryan most definitely was one of them. He turned with a hard stare and said quietly, "Fuck off asshole. Don't judge everyone by your standards. You so much as breathe too close to Lara and my fist will wipe that smirk clean off your face." Ryan laughed, "Touchy Joe! Does she like the caveman protector thing? Does it turn her on?" Joe fought his rising anger as he saw the girls coming off the field and turned as calmly as he could, "Run along little man. I have my beautiful family to get back to." Maddie ran up whining, "Daddy, did you see? They would let me bat" and Joe took the chance to walk away, meeting Charlotte and Grace halfway as they threw themselves at him shrieking with excitement."

When they got back to the car he turned to the back seat and said, "Right, I've got a secret mission. You guys in?" They nodded, intrigued, making him smile. Grace said, "What is it Joe?" He leaned forward conspiratorially, "Okay, let's go grab ice-cream and I'll explain." He took them to the frozen yoghurt place, and once they were sorted with more toppings than Lara would ever have allowed them to have, he shovelled a spoonful of his own in and said, "How would you guys feel if I asked your mom to marry me? Charlotte squealed drawing attention from the two other occupied tables and Joe looked over apologetically before grinning at the two girls, "Does that mean you think it's a good idea Lottie?" She flew off her chair and wrapped her arms around Joe's neck tightly and didn't reply, just nodded. He waited a few seconds holding her close before she lifted her head. Keeping an arm around her he looked at Grace who was looking thoughtful, "What do you think Gracie?" The younger girl put her head to one side and said, "Will we be a family Joe?" Releasing Charlotte to reclaim her frozen yoghurt he beckoned Grace to come to him and pulled her onto his knee. "Listen Gracie, we already are. Families come in all different shapes and sizes. I mean Linda's been my family for years and Mark. They're not related to me but they're definitely my family. D'you get it?" Grace nodded, "So will you give mummy a ring and have a wedding?" Joe nodded, "Already got a ring. Want to see?" Their eyes turned wide and despite Grace being much darker than Charlotte who had Lara's colouring, Joe thought they looked more alike than he'd ever noticed before. He pulled the small box from his pocket and opened it to show them. They both stared mesmerised and Joe smiled and said, "Nana Pat gave me this to give to your mommy. It was her mommy's, but she thought it was perfect because the big diamond is  like your mommy and the two smaller ones are you guys." Charlotte looked hypnotised, but Grace said, "So what's the mission?" Joe laughed putting the box back in his pocket. Eat your fro-yo and I'll explain."

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