Chapter 4

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Lara leaned against the counter and looked around her new kitchen. The children were upstairs, having been up for hours courtesy of jet lag, and she had just finished clearing away the breakfast things. Her hair was still damp from the shower, and she was wearing some loose navy jog pants slung low on her hips with a slightly cropped white t shirt. She picked up the remnants of her coffee and flicked to the messages she'd only just seen on her phone now it was off airplane mode. She quickly replied to her sister to reassure her they'd arrived and all was good with the house. She knew Caroline was partly irritated and partly relieved at her move. She'd described her decision to go as "rash and a little selfish", but at the same time there was an unspoken undertone that she was off the hook for any emergency, relating to childcare or anything else. Lara scrolled to the next message from David and smiled seeing his typically restrained concern and she messaged back, "All arrived safely. Glad the new job's going well for you." Rob had sent a message the day before which she'd seen before the flight but hadn't answered. She clicked reply and said, "Hi Rob, We've arrived and the house is lovely. I'll keep in touch and definitely come down to London when I'm over for Christmas if you have time to catch up."

She'd just clicked send when the doorbell rang and she ran to see who it was. She smiled seeing it was Linda and an unknown man. Linda squeaked in excitement and the girls came thundering downstairs to see who was visiting. As Linda came in she said, "Lara, this my husband Mark." The man himself stepped from behind. He was taller than his wife who already towered over Lara, tanned and had mid brown hair just showing the first threads of silver at the sides. He opened his arms and Lara found herself enveloped in a bear hug that whilst it left her slightly breathless was actually very welcome. Linda followed suit and once she'd disentangled herself Lara said, "Girls, come here and meet Linda and Mark. This is Charlotte and this is Grace." As Linda said Hi, Mark crouched down to Gracie's level and said, "Well it's nice to meet you ladies. From behind his back he brought two bags and added, "A little bird told Linda you guys like these," The squeals as they spotted the multi-coloured fish biscuits made Lara laugh and the girls ran off happily opening the packets as they went.

Lara beckoned to the open plan family area and said, "Come on through, I've think I've figured out how to make coffee in the machine." When they'd settled on the couch Linda passed a box from her bag, "Here honey, Cellphone and SIM card." Lara smiled, "Thanks, and thanks for thinking of absolutely everything Linda." Linda waved her hand dismissively, "You're so welcome honey. How d'ya like the house?" Lara grinned, "I love it! The house in England is old, Victorian, so it's amazing to have something so modern." Mark smiled, "Linda says you have a rental?" Lara nodded, "Yeah, it's over in Kissimmee. We're going to go over later, just to get some stuff from the owner's cupboard. The next guests aren't in until Tuesday." He nodded and glanced at his wife, "Listen, if you need anything fixing here, just holler. We're just around the corner at 3078 okay." A wave of emotion swept across Lara's features, and Mark caught his wife's eye as she recovered and smiled, "Thanks, I really mean that. It's so kind of you."

Linda changed the subject, "There's someone we wanted you to meet if you're up for it?" Lara nodded, "Of course, who?" Linda smiled at her husband, "Will works at the legal firm in our building. He lives in the house opposite with his son Brandon, who's eight. He only moved in a couple of months ago himself. Brandon's not with him full-time because Will's got fifty fifty custody with his ex April, but he's at the same school and camp you've enrolled the girls at." Lara smiled, "It'll be so nice to know at least one person on the drop off." Linda beamed, "Let me call him over." She grabbed her phone and sent a message and added, "There's a couple of other people we know who've got kids at the same school."

Within a few minutes, there was a thump on the open front door, and the new neighbour appeared. Lara stood up and held out a hand, "Hi, I'm Lara. It's nice to meet you." Will gave her a smile, and Lara took in his open face and liked what she saw. He had brown hair, which she thought was probably blonde when he was a child. He was slightly shorter than Mark, but his t shirt revealed well-muscled arms betraying his trips to the gym. Lara realised she was staring, and Linda's lips twitched in amusement, "Can I get you a coffee?" Will nodded, "Yeah, great. Just black thanks." He followed her to the kitchen and said, "So Linda says you're starting work Monday?" Lara nodded, handing him a mug, "Yeah, the girls are going to camp the last few weeks before school starts." Will nodded and shouted across to Charlotte and Grace, "Hey girls." They waved at the smiling newcomer, and he turned back to their mother, "Brandon's with his mom this weekend, but he's looking forward to meeting them." Lara smiled, "Boys'll be a whole new experience for them, their old school was all girls." As they walked back to join Linda and Mark on the couch, Lara said, "Linda tells me you work in the same building?" He nodded, and she asked, "So was it your firm that handled my visa?" Glancing at Linda Will said, "Yeah, I'm Joe's, I mean Callex's attorney. We have an employment law department that handled the visa though." Lara smiled, "Ahh Right, I see. "So, do you use Colin the coffee as part of your interview process, or is that just Joe?" Will grinned, thinking Joe had been right, this girl was sharp, and the effect was heightened by the precise English accent. "I can't say we use him to interview any staff, but Colin is an important member of the extended team. Not much happens on a work day for my firm or yours before he passes over the caffeine." Lara laughed, and she couldn't help think what a sweet smile he had as it spread all over his face.

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