Chapter 9

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As September turned into October, Lara couldn't help think about how the weather would be turning back at home and how the leaves would be changing. Things were going fairly smoothly at the office. She was pushing on with implementing new routines around her work and working with Ben on operationalising some automated access controls ahead of the next round of investor briefings. Scott remained completely disinterested, but in their management meetings he ignored her rather than get hostile, which she found workable.

On a Tuesday morning, she and Linda were sitting in Colin's with their coffee rather than taking it up to the office as they were unusually early. Joe came in and smiled as Colin said, "Want me to bring yours over?" He tapped his card to pay and said, "Yeah, thanks." He laughed, "I can find out what the occasion is." Colin smiled, "Yeah, you can let me know." Joe grinned and dropped down next to Linda, "Okay, Colin and I need to know what's going on. Why have you two come to the city early for a sit-down coffee?" Lara smiled and rolled her eyes, "I was early because Charlotte and Grace had a before school meeting about trying out for the school softball team. Linda was getting her coffee, so we decided there was time to sit and enjoy it in peace. Totally impromptu." Colin brought Joe's coffee over, and Joe said, "Thanks. Apparently, Lara dropped the kids early for something at school, and this was totally not planned." Colin sighed dramatically, "Disappointed. You know I live for gossip." He turned and left. Lara laughed softly, "He's so funny."

She turned to her companions and said, "So what's the difference between baseball and softball? Is it just a different ball?" Joe laughed, "Have you never been to a baseball match?" Lara shook her head and he said, "I forget you Brits don't have football either." Lara narrowed her eyes and glanced at an amused Linda, "On the contrary, we have football because that's the game where you use your feet to kick a ball, and I think the game girls play in the summer and we call rounders is probably what you term baseball." Joe nudged her foot with a smirk on his face, "God, I love it when you get all British on me. Yeah, baseball has a smaller ball." He leaned forward mischievously, "But it's harder, and they have a bigger bat." Linda burst out laughing, and Lara slapped his arm, "You made that sound so dodgy." Linda stood up, "I'm going to head on in. I'll see you both in a minute." Will was just getting his takeout as she left, and he walked over, "What's the occasion?" Lara groaned, nodding towards Joe, "First him, then Colin and now you! I was just running early." Will grinned and hearing Colin shout he went back to retrieve his cup. Joe drained his and said, "You should go, to a baseball match I mean, take the girls. Wrong time of year now though." She stood up and grabbed her bag, "Yeah, I might just do that. From what I've seen on the TV, it involves a lot of eating bad food, and that's something all three of us can get onboard with."

Later that day, Joe came over to check on a pack Lara was sending out for a meeting later in the week. He found her sitting at her desk, looking wistful and deep in thought. Sitting in the chair opposite he said, "I was just coming to say I've got a gap now to review that pack for the steering meeting if you're ready to send it over." Lara snapped out of her daze and nodded, "Yeah, I'll forward it now." She had the file open on her screen, so she clicked to share as he said, "But actually, I'm more interested in what you were just so deep in thought about." She clicked send and sat back sighing, "I was just thinking about home. Wall to wall sunshine is amazing, and winter in England is pretty awful, but autumn is my favourite time of the year. I just realised I won't get that feeling this year, the excitement of seeing the leaves turn all beautiful colours and the anticipation of Christmas." She shook her head, "Sorry, just made me a bit melancholy." Joe's heart hurt a little hearing her talk about England as home, and he said softly, "I get it." He took a leap, "What are you doing at the weekend? There's something I want to show you and the kids." Lara looked puzzled but just said, "Girls have got activities on Saturday morning, but nothing much else planned." Joe got up, "Okay, I'll pick you up at two."

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