Chapter 17

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The rest of the party passed without incident and ended late. Joe had arranged cabs to take everyone home, and a few people had noticed Lara didn't leave with Linda and Mark. As the music had started and the alcohol flowed, Joe and Lara had relaxed, and it became obvious to those sober enough to notice that they were romantically involved. When the last taxi had gone, Joe took her bag upstairs and returned to find Lara filling a large glass of water. She turned to smile as he came through and shrugged, "Trying to stave off the hangover tomorrow. As Joe wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, she said, "This house is unbelievable Joe." He moved her thick glossy hair to one side and kissed the back of her neck, "Remember you said your place in the UK was a house, not a home?" Lara nodded, and he spun her around to face him, "Well this is the same. Home is where the people you love are. So tonight, it's a home."

The next morning, while Joe made coffee, Lara called and spoke to Charlotte and Grace before Karen dropped them at school. Sipping gratefully, she said, "They're fine. I think they had fun." Joe drank his own coffee, "And did Mommy have fun?" Lara came to stand in front of him and adjusted his tie, "I most certainly did. Especially the after party." She dropped her hands to his shirt, her mind seeing what lay beneath, and Joe inhaled sharply. Lara had been in the shower, but had thrown her sleep shorts and vest back on to come down for coffee. Joe bent to kiss her and lifted her easily onto the counter. She managed to gasp out, "Joe, we'll be late." Despite her protestation, she loosened his tie and started to undo his buttons. He lifted her vest off and said, "I reckon the boss'll understand."

As they were late they had the elevator to themselves, and as soon as the doors closed Joe pulled her close and dropped a kiss on her lips that left her weak enough to make him feel her weight sag onto his strong arm. Releasing her to stand independently before the doors reopened, they shared a look. Most people were already at their desks, and Lara could tell they were the subject of all the post party gossip. Scott wasn't in his office yet, having left the party early to join the one being held at Farrah's father's house. As they parted to go to their respective offices, Lara felt a little exposed, but she tried not to notice the looks and whispers.

Linda was suffering, and Joe took her and Lara out for lunch, figuring food might help. He'd called Will, who said to order for him as he had a client meeting right before. He arrived to find them talking about the office gossip and gave one of his wide smiles in amusement. "I'm not surprised guys. You may think you're being all discreet, and it's not like you were kissing under the mistletoe, but trust me, it's obvious." Lara groaned, turning pink, and Joe kissed her head as Will laughed.

As the day drew to a close, Lara gratefully left early, wishing everyone in the office a Happy Christmas as it was her last day in the office, and she was flying back to the UK on Sunday evening. Joe dropped her at home to get her car, and Charlotte and Grace ran squealing to meet her after school. Lara held them close, realising just how much she'd missed her little girls. She took them home, and they sat with hot chocolate around the tree, leaning against the couch and telling her all about their sleepover. Once she'd got them to bed, Joe appeared and led her to sit down where he pulled her close. He kissed her and said quietly, "I thought I'd let you have some time with the girls before I came 'round." Lara nodded, "Thanks. I really missed them, but I'll have the holidays with them now." Joe sighed, "I wondered if I could take you guys somewhere tomorrow evening. I wanted us to have our own piece of Christmas before you leave. Has Linda asked you about breakfast on Sunday?" Lara snuggled into his chest and said softly, "Yeah, she has. I feel really weird about going back. I'm going to miss you, but I have to go. The girls are excited to see my sister and her family, I need to sort a few things for the house, exciting stuff like my UK tax return." Joe held her tight and kissed her head, "I wish you didn't, but I get it Lara."

As Saturday dawned, Joe woke to find Lara with her back to his chest, and he sighed, realising that he only had one more night with her in his arms. Lara turned to face him and stroked his face, "Penny for them." He kissed her and smiled, "I was just thinking how much I'm going to miss you. He kissed her again and sighed, "But it's only just over a week, and we can facetime." Lara nodded and said, "So what do you have planned for today?" Joe stroked her hair, "I thought I'd leave you to pack and stuff after breakfast, and I can go see my Mom. Then I'll come over and collect you guys at about six." Lara spent the rest of the day packing one large case and hand luggage for her and the girls. April called to collect Charlotte and Grace to go play with Brandon in the park so Lara could have space to get sorted and tidy up.

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