Chapter 11

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"Who's this?" Lorna had asked, her eyes fixed relatively icy on Nate. I visibly shivered for him, taking a step down from the stairs and itching closer to Nate's side.

Lorna followed my every move, her jaw tight. I could not make out anything else behind her. It was not a shock to me that she sat in a dark room. I knew it wasn't because of her morbid personality, but instead, it was so she didn't alert my father or anyone else that was lurking around spying for him.

She slowly rose from the seat she was in and itched closer to us. The deflation that propelled within me almost constricted my breathing. In that moment, I felt like I was getting berated by my own mum and that I had lost all her trust.

"This is-" I started to say, my voice fading when I saw the chills Lorna clearly penetrated. She was staring at me now, the scary glint evident in her rock hard eyes. Although she asked a question, her glare was shooting me down. I didn't dare to open my mouth again

I felt Nate itch closer to me until the length of his arm was pressed to my side. Strangely, I thought he was trying to protect me.

"Elisandra." I dropped my head at the use of my full name, knowing perfect well how much trouble I was in. I don't know why but I felt the sting of tears, the thickness building up in my throat, my fingers already trembling. I could never hold in my tears.

"You have no business prancing around with the likes of Nathaniel Lewis." I snapped my head up at her words. I couldn't believe what she had said.

She knew him?

Lorna walked closer until she stood right in front of Nate. "See yourself out before anyone else sees you."

The command was there. And it was answered.


I stood behind Nate, his wide shoulders obscuring my view of his apartment whilst he entered. I had followed him, silently, back to his space.

Nate wanted to speak to me away from the public.

And I stupidly followed him right after our conversation against the wall.

I honestly knew why a lot of females ended up being kidnapped, bound, and gagged in some fucked up psychopath's car trunk. There are certain times the female species lacked common sense

One of which was to never go home with a stranger.

But then again, was Nate a stranger? I did worse with him at midnight. My feeble brain picked at the most pathetic excuse possible. But it was still out in the open.

But I was alone with him regardless!

I halted my inner monologue fighting and waited as Nate opened the door. Once he was inside, he leaned against his door and jerked his head for me to come in.

It didn't go past me that he hadn't moved from the door. So, when I stepped inside, the side of my body pressed against hard chest. I inhaled sharply but refused to give him anymore.

"Shall I take off my shoes?" I asked him, my eyes scanning his apartment. It seemed very basic and new. So new that I spotted a few boxes pushed against one wall.

His living room had on dark grey chair and a TV on a brown console. It was an open plan space, with the kitchen overlooking everything. A few plates were sitting on the island and half-filled glasses of water and bottles of opened beer.

I could see a corner leading further into the apartment. I wasn't sure how many doors I would find around the corner.

"You can keep them on." His voice snapped me back to him and I saw that he was eyeing up my heels. I shifted on my feet, suddenly very self conscious of my look. Me wearing heels was a stark reminder of the Ellie he did not know, and a far cry from Ellie in trainers. I wonder if he saw a major difference or it was just my mind trying to freak me out.

"You look far older like this than usual."

And that answered my question regarding the fact that if he saw me any differently.

"Is that an insult or a compliment?" I asked him, crossing my hands across my chest. He slowly lifted his gaze up from my heels and smirked at my stance.


"Do I need to be?"

His smirk was not moving. "No."

"Then what was it? An insult or compliment?" I asked again.

Nate chuckled. "Neither. Think of it as an observation."

"You men don't have the capacity to conduct an observation."

Nate tsked out loud, shaking his head. "You shouldn't pool me into the group of men. I am far more aware of everything going on."

I raised a perfected shaped eyebrow at him. "Oh really? Elaborate."

Nate shook his head. "We are not here to talk about me. We are here to talk about you."

Suddenly I had enough.

I straightened my back and started to walk back out his apart. Nate was quick to sidestep into me, blocking me from the exit.

Even in my heels he had more inches on me. I had to tilt my head up to catch his glare. "If you don't move, I will scream."

"Try it, Princess." He said in a low voice.

His scent was nearly overwhelming and adding to that, being in his space all alone, was not doing me any favours. My mind was slowly becoming jumbled up and I was forgetting reasons why I should not be in his place.

So, I opened my mouth to scream.

Only to get it shut down with his lip pressing into mine harshly. He kissed me deep and long, as though he was starving for such contact. With one push, he had me against the wall. His long fingers wrapped around my wrist and pined my arms above my head.

His mouth moved away from my own to press kisses across my throat. I arched into his touch, grabbing the front of shirt to pull him closer. His mouth reached my ear and he whispered. "Don't test me." I felt a sting on my ear and realised he bit my earlobe.

Shivers cascaded through my body, leaving the hair raised on my arm and my knees wobbly to keep me up. My thighs turned pliant, my womanhood waking up and wanting to be sated.

"You listening princess?" He caught the underside of my chin with his nipping teeth.

I nodded, even though my eyes are closed, and my mind is going in a frenzy. He moves up and captures my mouth in his again. My heart threatened to give out on me. This time his kiss is slow, with his tongue dancing against the seam of my mouth and then slowly inching in. I opened for him, savouring his masculine taste. Every smell of his is overwhelming my sense and a whimper escaped from me.

This was unlike anything I experienced. I felt as though I was a unruly woman, and I was captured. I was being put in my place and I was loving every second it.

Nate's unyielding pressure of his leg sliding between my thighs and up makes me see stars. "Nate," I breathe out, pulling away from his kiss.

"You going to sit and talk?" Nate said in a thick voice, his breathing slightly laboured from what it usually is like. I nearly threw my first in the air at knowing that I was not the only one affected by the other.

I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him into me again. I kissed him this time, taking my time exploring his mouth. One hand wrapped around the back of his head so he could not move. Once I had my fill, I pulled away and dropped my head back on the wall. "Depends if you-" I lost my train of thought when Nate descend his lips on my exposed neck. He travelled down until he was at my chest.

I thought he would stop there but harshly lifts my blouse up. I let out a squeal when he bites my nipples through my bra. "Don't argue." He growled.

He finally pulls away, slowly putting my blouse down and covering me up. He moves his thigh from mine and slowly rakes his eyes over me.

I tried my best to control my breathing, but Nate did not help when he lifts his thumb up and rubs it over my swollen lips. "Sit and we talk."

Another wave of arousal shot up between my legs and I almost went slack again. I needed to learn how to compose myself in situations like this. Or at least pretend to seem unfazed as possible.

My body spoke for its own though and Nate seemed like the expert in commanding it.

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