Chapter 45

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In the dimly lit dining room, tension hung heavy in the air. Claud and Nate stood near the polished oak table, their faces etched with concern, while Shar, the uninvited guest, sat at the head of the table, his presence an unwelcome intrusion.

"Your father is on the move," Shar began, his words cutting through the silence, causing everyone to turn their gaze toward him.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my eyes locked onto Shar's, searching for answers.

"He's got all sorts prepared to get you back," Shar continued, his eyes darting between each of us. "Taking you was a direct hit. And he doesn't take it so lightly being disrespected."

Claud's jaw tightened, and Nate clenched his fists, their worry evident.

"Does he know where I am?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Not yet," Shar replied, his tone grave. "But how I found you, I'm sure eventually he will."

"Does he know who I am with?" I questioned, my eyes shifting to Claud and Nate, my protectors in this dangerous game.

"He knows," Shar confirmed, his gaze unwavering. "He knows you are with Claud, Nate, and of course, Andres."

"I won't go with him," I declared, my voice shaking but resolute.

"I love how you think you have an option," Shar remarked bitterly, his eyes narrowing.

"I'll honestly fight him back with everything I have," I said, my fists clenching as I braced myself for the impending showdown.

"Ellie, you can't even punch," Shar pointed out, a mix of frustration and concern in his voice.

"I'll freaking learn all sorts. I won't be so defenseless anymore," I replied, my determination burning brighter.

"You said you had some evidence you've been gathering for years. Are they of any use?" Claud asked, his gaze shifting from me to Shar and Nate as we collectively contemplated our next move in this high-stakes confrontation.

"They're things I've gathered over the years. His dealings. All illegal. His cover ups. His undoings. The police will dance in the pile of evidence I have. I just need to get there."

"You go back there, you're as good as dead," said Shar, his voice tinged with palpable worry.

Nate snorted from behind me, his exasperation evident. "As I have been telling her per day, but no, I can't say shit to her."

"You sure as heck can't," Shar agreed, his concurrence with Nate clear.

"I can," Nate insisted, his determination unwavering.

"You have no say in anything to do with me anymore," I snapped, my frustration mounting.

"I do when it comes to your safety," Nate argued, his unease for me driving his words.

"I'll make it very clear for you. My safety is none of your business," I declared, my voice sharp and unyielding. "Go frolicking around other women; perhaps they'll entertain your bullshit."

Tension crackled in the air as our heated exchange continued, each word driving a deeper wedge between us. Everyone watched the confrontation in silence, understanding the complexities of the situation.

Until Emma spoke up, breaking the tense standoff. "I'm all for giving men shit, but here I'm thinking it's best you two go talk it out. We don't have the time to watch you guys always bite each other's heads off."

I ignored Emma's suggestion and turned my attention back to Shar. "How did you find me?"

"It wasn't easy, but knowing who took you and knowing who worked for them kind of helped," Shar shared, his voice low and cautious. "The rest I can't share. Classified information. I wouldn't want these little boys to start taking my game," he added, pointedly glancing at Claud and Nate.

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