Chapter 31

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I stared at Nate, my mind torn between caution and desperation. The weight of my circumstances pressed down on me, a constant reminder that every word, every action could be scrutinized. Yet, the flicker of hope burned within me, urging me to reach out and seek assistance. It was my last chance for survival, and I couldn't ignore it.

"Can you help me?" I managed to utter, the words escaping my lips slowly and cautiously.

Nate's head jolted back at the sound of my voice, his eyes widening in surprise. The strain of my vocal cords was evident, each vibration causing a dull ache that resonated through my throat. It was a reminder of the punishment I endured, a cruel testament to the intentions of my father.

In my mind, Lorna's image appeared, her face etched with sorrow and longing. A lump formed in my throat as I closed my eyes, trying to swallow the pain. "I'm so sorry, Lorna. I miss you so much," I whispered silently, the weight of guilt heavy on my shoulders.

"What do you need, Princess?" Nate's voice broke through my thoughts, his words laced with concern.

"Safety," I replied, the urgency evident in my voice.

Nate gently took hold of my chin, his touch featherlight against my skin. His thumb caressed my jaw, sending shivers down my spine. It was a stark contrast to the harsh touches I had grown accustomed to, reminding me of the vulnerability that plagued me. I moved my chin slightly, breaking his hold, and averted my gaze to the worn-out carpet beneath my feet. The sight of it made me feel small, lacking the strength and confidence I once possessed. That strong, empowered woman seemed like a distant memory, replaced by a fragile creature constantly evading predator. "You can stay with me," Nate offered, his tone understanding and accepting of my withdrawal.

I shook my head, tears welling up in my eyes once again. I blinked rapidly, attempting to regain my composure. I thought I had run out of tears weeks ago, but in Nate's presence, they flowed like an unrelenting river.

"He knows where you live," I confessed, the words heavy with the realization that my current situation wasn't safe enough.

Nate seemed to grasp the unspoken thoughts racing through my mind. "There's a place. A few people who work for my father stay there. We can go there together. It's safe, and there are other women there. There's even a child, or at least there was the last time I checked."

His words stirred a flicker of hope within me. A place where I could find solace, surrounded by others who understood the dangers we faced. It was a lifeline I desperately needed, a chance to rebuild my shattered existence.

I looked up at Nate, gratitude mingled with the remnants of fear in my eyes. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice trembling. "Lead the way.

"Is it far?" I inquired, my heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

Nate nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "A few hours away. We'll need to be cautious during the drive to ensure we're not followed. But I have people who can help with that."

Relief washed over me at his words. The thought of evading potential pursuers was daunting but knowing that Nate had a plan eased my worries. He had connections and resources that could shield me from the prying eyes that lurked in the shadows.

"How do I get there?" I asked, my voice still tinged with vulnerability.

Nate's gaze softened, his reassuring presence giving me a glimmer of hope. "I'll take you there. We'll drive, taking precautions along the way. Our team has expertise in counter-surveillance techniques. They'll make sure we're not followed."

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