Chapter 16

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I could feel the anger boiling inside me as I paced back and forth in my room. My footsteps were heavy and purposeful, each one pounding against the floor with a sense of determination. My fists were clenched tightly at my sides, my jaw set in a firm line as I tried to process what just happened at the bottom of the stairs.

The sheer nerve of him!

The room around me felt small and claustrophobic, the walls closing in on me as I continued to pace. I could feel my heart racing, my breath coming in short, ragged gasps as I tried to control the rage that was consuming me. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, my eyes burning with the intensity of my emotions.

I stopped pacing for a moment, standing in the middle of the room with my eyes closed, trying to calm myself. But the anger was still there, simmering just beneath the surface, waiting to explode. I could feel my hands shaking, my body trembling with the force of my emotions. The audacity my dad had to shut me down in front of Claud and then force me see him.

Prioritise Claud?

Who the heck was he even to be put to the front like that?

I started pacing again, my movements becoming more frantic, more desperate. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I pushed them back, refusing to let them fall. I was determined to hold on to my anger, to channel it into something productive. The need to find every single detail about him was filling me up.

As I continued to pace, I could feel the anger slowly dissipating, replaced by a sense of determination and resolve. Claud did not know who he was playing with. The perfect image I had created for this fucked up world did me well to cover my true nature...


I knew it was wrong for me to go see him. But it was like my body was on autopilot every night. It sought his connection. His warmth. His presence. And I was a weak being that was easily let by my emotions.

Whatever Shar had said to me about him... it kept swimming in my head. I wanted answers. The first person I could ask is obviously Nate so that was what I planned to do.

I pulled up my knees and dropped my chin carefully on it, watching the side road and waiting for Nate to show up. It was a few minutes past midnight. He was never late. It was always me. But never Nate...

He might be having fun with someone else. A angry voice whispered in my head

Or he might just be running late.

Then thirty minutes passed.


No sign of Nate.

I stood up from the bench and walked to the end of the street, poking my head out to look left and right. The whole street was empty.

Fifty minutes.

An hour passed and still no sign of Nate. I began to worry, annoyed at myself for not having his number or something.

I waited a few more minutes, knowing perfectly well I had to get home right now. Another maid would be scheduled to check up on me soon.

I started walking back, but my head kept turning around to see if Nate was coming from the distance.

No sign still.

I was so worried about Nate, wondering and thinking irrational things that somehow had occurred to him and I didn't get a shut eye until Lorna came in the morning.

The next morning, determination filled me. Fuck going to work. I had one destination in mind and if my sleepless night did not prepare for this confrontation, then I would be pissed

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