Chapter 37

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The world outside seemed to fade away as out lips finally met, it was a tender yet desperate kiss, as if we were both unsure of the depth of our emotions but allowing them to take over at the same time.

As we kissed in the darkness, a myriad of sensations enveloped us, each one more intoxicating than the last. The softness of Nate's lips against mine was like a gentle caress, tender and sweet. With every movement, I could feel the warmth of his breath mingling with mine, creating an intimate rhythm that synced our hearts together.

Our kisses started slow and exploratory, as if we were testing the waters of this newfound connection. But as the desire between us grew, so did the intensity of our actions. Our lips moved in harmony, seeking and finding each other with precision, like a well-choreographed dance.

Nate's hand cupped my cheek, his touch sending a rush of tingling sensations through my skin. The gentle pressure of his fingers against my jawline guided the angle of our kiss, deepening the intimacy between us.

I reciprocated, my own hand finding its way to the back of Nate's head, fingers gently intertwining with his soft hair. It was an instinctual move, as if we were drawn to each other with an undeniable force.

We broke a part for a few seconds, panting and trying to catch our breathe.

"Hi," I said.

He smiled softly. "Hi."

In the soft darkness, our eyes met, and a shy smile played on my lips. Nate's hand gently brushed against mine, sending a shiver of excitement up my spine. I leaned in closer, feeling their warm breath on my skin as our faces drew nearer. The world outside seemed to fade away as our lips met again.

With every passing second, the world around us faded, leaving only the two of us in this blissful bubble of affection. Our bodies pressed closer, our hearts beating as one, and a soft sigh of contentment escaped between kisses.

As our lips continued to meet, our emotions spilled into the kiss, conveying unspoken feelings that words couldn't capture. There was a sense of vulnerability and trust, as we bared our souls to each other, allowing ourselves to be seen and cherished in this intimate act.

At every second, I lost a piece of my clothing, stripped bare in front of a man I could be my most vulnerable with.

We met each movement as though we were created to just fit each other. He hovered over me, wringing pleasure from me slowly and perfectly. I arched in every one of his thrusts, feeling him deeper than I thought possible.

He buried his head in my neck, his lips placing soft kisses in that little place. "You're mine," He whispered, and I showed my agreement with grabbing his face and bringing his lips back to mine.

He is mine.

Time seemed to lose all meaning as we lost ourselves in each other. It was as if the darkness had created a sanctuary for us, where we could explore and express our desires without inhibition. 


Everything felt very domesticated as I watched him walk around the room and check the window and doors. I laid on the bed, a pillow under my head and tracked each of his movements. Watching his bare muscles flex as he took each step was as though I had been dropped in heaven. And the fact that it was all for me to enjoy, and not something I was drooling at through a television screen.

I clenched my legs together, a heat already crawling back in there. I needed to relax or I would come across as borderline desperate. A part of me still wanted to cling to my tough as nails girl. But she was into here for a few second before I melted into myself and allowed Nate to take care of me.

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