Mafia's Girlfriend

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There was a man named John who lived a poor and desperate life. He was deeply in debt to a dangerous mafia boss and spent every waking moment begging for his life.

In an effort to pay off his debts, John agreed to work as a servant for the mafia boss. He did everything he was told, no matter how demeaning or dangerous it was.

But despite his best efforts, John just couldn't seem to get ahead. Desperate and out of options, he began secretly stealing small pieces of jewelry from the boss's mansion and selling them on the black market.

It was a risky move, but John figured it was his only chance to escape his miserable existence.

Unfortunately, he was caught red-handed by the boss himself. Furious, the boss ordered John to undergo a radical surgery to transform him into a woman.

John was terrified, but he knew he had no choice but to comply. After the surgery, he was given the name Abby and was forced to become the mafia boss's girlfriend.

To Abby's surprise, life as the boss's girlfriend was far from miserable. She lived a life of luxury and riches, with everything she could possibly want at her fingertips.

Although she missed her old life and the freedom that came with it, Abby couldn't help but feel grateful for the second chance she had been given. She vowed to make the most of it and enjoy the lavish lifestyle that had been bestowed upon her.

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