chapter 1

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Cherry was in the school library. She had to come up with a report about a historical figure, but she couldn't think of anyone. No one would come to mind. She wanted to do a president, but certain boys picked too many she liked such as Abraham Lincoln she did a report on last year for President's Day at school. Cherry continued to search the library, then ran into Mrs. Elkins, the school librarian.

"Hello, Cherry." Mrs. Elkins greeted warmly. Cherry was one of her favorite visitors because of her love of books and reading.

"Hey, Mrs. Elkins." Cherry smiled back.

"Historical figure report for social studies?"

"How did you know?"

"You're not the only one of Mrs. Dress's students to come in the library for such a homework assignment. Have you decided anyone yet?"

"No ma'am, I'm having trouble picking out who."

"How about Miss Pocahontas?"

"Pocahontas? That's a lovely name." Cherry smiled.

"Yes, much like yours," Mrs. Elkins smiled. "I think you would like her the best, she's in the Native American section with Christopher Columbus and Sacagawea. Do you know who those two are?"

"Yes," Cherry replied, pushing her glasses back. "Christopher Columbus discovered America and Sacagawea is on the gold dollar coin. She helped Lewis and Clark."

"Such a smart child," Mrs. Elkins smiled. "Now you get a Pocahontas book and come get me when you're ready to check out the book."

"Okay!" Cherry smiled, then dashed to the books to get the Pocahontas book before someone else would snatch it. She grabbed it steadily, and flipped through the pages. If it was one thing Cherry loved about books, it was the fresh smell they came from that would suck her into another world. Cherry then quickly went to Mrs. Elkins and took out her class library card.

Mrs. Elkins happily took the book, did computer work and stamped the book for Cherry. "Thank you, the book is due in a week after your project is."

"Thank you, Mrs. Elkins." Cherry said with a smile, taking the book, and heading back to class.

After talking about the topics the students had, the final bell rang and Cherry rode the bus back home as everyone else was talking about their reports. Cherry carefully kept the book in her arms as she walked back home as the bus dropped her off at her stop. Dinner of honey baked ham, creamy, buttery mashed potatoes and glazed carrots was among Cherry as she told her parents about her homework assignment during her week off from school for Thanksgiving.

"When do you plan on starting?" Chester asked as he took another plate of dinner for himself.

"I was thinking I could read some in my room a little after dinner." Cherry replied.

"That's a good idea," Naomi smiled. "You're going to be a great college student someday, Cherry."

"Oh, Mom, can we wait a little while? I'm only 10 years old." Cherry groaned about the idea of college.

"I'm only kidding." Naomi laughed at her daughter's over reaction.

"That's a long time away." Chester added, putting emphasis on long.

"Oh, you guys." Cherry chuckled.

After dinner, Cherry went to her bedroom. Even though her favorite cartoons were on being Friday night, Cherry decided to get a head start on her homework. Cherry made herself comfortable on her bed and put on her night stand light from when her mother often read her bedtime stories of Dr. Seuss growing up. Cherry took a deep breath as she was about to read advanced books, but she knew she could do it. Cherry cracked open the book as she was looking at the New England explorers about to leave to discover the New World. Cherry got thrilled once she was reading about John Smith to discover with the other amateur explorers.

Cherry was captivated by the book and it truly woke up her historical side to get eager enough to write this report about Pocahontas on her time off from school. She read the knowledges of the men coming to the Native American background to dig for gold. A storm came from outside as Cherry read about the storm striking, but luckily, John Smith had survived the storm as they went to travel the New World. The lightning flashed and the thunder crashed, it made Cherry tired from the soothing rain.

Cherry yawned and kept reading up from the first chapter and stopped once the pages changed. She then decided to go to bed before she would get lost in the world of 1607. She then closed the book, put it on her night stand and got on her pajamas. She then walked out in the living room to bid her good nights to her parents.

"Night Mom, night Dad." Cherry told them.

"Good night, Cherry." her parents responded.

Cherry smiled at them, and went back to her room. The rain pelted the windows as Cherry slept in her bed very comfortably. She hugged her pillow and fell right asleep as her head hit the pillow.

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