chapter 5

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Cherry and Pocahontas met up after a while. Pocahontas told Cherry there were strange characters now in the forest that she hadn't seen before. The girls decided to spy around to make sure everything would be safe. There was a tall man wearing blue and he had a pale face in contrast to everybody else's complexion in the forest. He couldn't have been native to the village. He even had shimmering blonde hair.

The man walked around. Pocahontas felt drawn to him as she hid behind a tree with Cherry. The girls stalked him to avoid being seen, they wondered why he was there. Pocahontas saw the coast was now clear and she hopped to a rock. Pocahontas held out her arms in case Cherry wouldn't make it because of her clumsiness.

Cherry then hopped over nervously and landed in Pocahontas's arms. Pocahontas stood Cherry on her feet as they looked to the fog and had a feeling they were being watched. The white man spotted them and came closer which alarmed Pocahontas.

"No!" the man called to the girls as they ran. "Wait, please! Don't run off! It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt you!"

The girls stopped. Cherry of course understood him perfectly since he spoke English. She could understand the other Indians, but she couldn't speak any other language that wasn't English. Cherry didn't have the time to understand why or how, but she grew curious of the white man. The girls then hopped in the canoe as Pocahontas couldn't understand him either way.

"It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you," the man said, holding out his hand to them. "Here, let me help you out of there."

Pocahontas didn't respond and looked at Cherry in confusion.

"He wants to help." Cherry told her.

"You speak English?" the man asked. "How is that possible?"

"I'm not from here," Cherry replied. "I got lost and I woke up here. I don't know how I even got here."

"She can't understand a word I'm saying, can't she?"

Cherry shook her head.

"It's alright." the man assured Pocahontas.

"Listen with your heart," Cherry told her, remembering Grandmother Willow's advice. "Then you can understand him."

Pocahontas remembered as well. She nodded, closed her eyes as the wind blew by her like earlier. Wind blew around the man too as Cherry watched with Meeko and Flit. They all looked awestruck over the events.

"Who are you?" the man asked.



"My name is Pocahontas."

Cherry, Flit, and Meeko shared astonished looks with each other.

"I'm John Smith." the man finally gave his name.

"John Smith." Cherry repeated. "I'm Cherry."

"That's an odd name for a little girl." John raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's a nickname." Cherry smiled sheepishly.

Later, the group walked together around the forest. The other villagers were unaware of where they were and what they were doing. Pocahontas eyed John's helmet, then took it and looked into it to see her reflection.

"It's called a helmet." John explained.

"Helmet." Pocahontas repeated.

"It protects your head." Cherry added in explanation.

"So, what river is this?" John asked, looking at it.

"Qui-yoghcohanok." Pocahontas replied, still captivated by the helmet.

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