chapter 3

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The girls all left to go to the village. As they got there, there was a group gathered around the chief as he spoke about his battles when out of the village for so long. He stepped aside and showed a muscular Indian boy who looked very fierce and mighty.

"Our warriors fought with courage, but none as bravely as Kocoum, for he has attacked with the fierce strength of a bear," Chief Powhatan put a badge on this boy. "He has proven himself to be the greatest of warriors."

"Oh, he's so handsome." Nakoma blushed.

"I guess." Cherry shrugged, since she was too young to be interested in boys.

"Tonight, we will feast with his honor," Chief Powatan added, which lead to everyone cheering horably for Kocoum.

"He looks too serious, like my music teacher at school." Cherry folded her arms.

"I agree." Pocahontas added with disgust of Kocoum. She then walked to her father and the serious Indian boy.

"My daughter." Chief Powhatan smiled at Pocahontas.

"Wingapo, Father." Pocahontas greeted him with a hug.

"Seeing you gives me great joy." Chief Powhatan hugged her back.

"I'm so glad you've come home safely."

"Come with me," Chief Powhatan walked Pocahontas inside and allowed Cherry to come as well. "We have much to talk about. I want to hear everything of what you've been doing."

"Father, for many nights now I've been having a very strange dream," Pocahontas explained as Cherry, Meeko, and Flit explored the inside of their home. "I think it's telling me something's about to happen. Something exciting."

"Meeko!" Cherry scolded the raccoon as he got himself into a little mess.

Meeko chattered at her, then climbed around as the father and daughter talked.

"Yes, something exciting is about to happen." Chief Powhatan told his daughter.

"Really?" Pocahontas' eyes lit up. "What is it?"

"Kocoum has asked to seek your hand in marriage." Chief Powhatan answered.

"Marry Kocoum?" Cherry and Pocahontas asked together.

Meeko stuck out his tongue in agreeable disgust.

"I don't think Pocahontas even loves Kocoum, she doesn't even know him, Chief Powhatan." Cherry suggested.

"I told him it would make my heart soar." Chief Powhatan insisted.

"But he's so serious." Pocahontas said as she watched village children wanting to play with Kocoum, but he just stood in his spot.

"My daughter, Kocoum would make a fine husband," Chief Powhatan said as he walked out with the girls. "He is loyal and strong and will build you a good house with sturdy walls. With him, you will be safe from harm."

"Father, I think is pointing me down another path." Pocahontas protested.

"This is the right path for you."

"But why can't I choose-"

"Pocahontas, come with me," Chief Powhatan lead her away as Cherry wandered the village. "You are the daughter of the chief. It is time to take our place among our people even the mountain stream must someday join the big river."

Cherry kept walking along the village. The villagers smiled at her and waved at her as she crossed them. They seemed to have accepted her as one of their own. Cherry wanted to go home, but she felt like this was her new home.

Cherry's Adventures of Pocahontas Where stories live. Discover now