chapter 2

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Cherry woke up slowly. The storm had stopped and Cherry smiled. She then frowned once she woke up and realized she wasn't home. She looked all around her and looked down to see she wasn't in her normal clothes, but she was in Indian rags. Cherry went out the tent she was in and went exploring as the Native Americans chanted a song.

Chorus: Steady as the beating drum

Singing to the cedar flute

Seasons go and seasons come

Bring the corn and bear the fruit

By the waters sweet and clean

Where the mighty sturgeon lives

Plant the squash and reap the bean

All the Earth our Mother gives

Cherry kept exploring. She didn't see anyone she recognized. This had to have been a dream. She was reading a book in the library and she fell asleep from it, right? This had to be a dream! How else could she have possibly understand their language?

Chorus: Oh great spirit hear our song

Help us keep the ancient ways

Keep the sacred fire strong

Walk in balance all our days

Seasons go and seasons come

Steady as the beating drum

Plum to seed to bud to plum

Steady as the beating drum

Cherry kept walking along. She then looked up and ran into one of the Indian men. He looked very powerful and appeared to be the chief.

"Welcome, weary traveler," he boomed delicately. "This is our village."

"Village? But I was in my bedroom at home reading a book and I woke up here somehow." Cherry explained.

"I know not of what you could be going on about, child," the chief replied, looking at her like she had lobsters crawling out of her ears. "You are simply in our village. I am Chief Powhatan. Who are you, mysterious visitor?"

"Kamawingapo." a man said, coming toward the duo.

The Chief smiled at him. "It's good to be home, we have a guest with us."

"My name is Cherry." the elementary school student replied.

"Nice to meet you," the elder man said. "With the help of our brothers, our villages are safe again."

"Our chief's return has brought much joy to the village, look at all the smiling faces," the elder pointed to the happy villagers together in harmony.

"Yes, but there's one smiling face I don't see." the Chief stated.

"Who is it, sir?" Cherry asked.

"My daughter, I don't see her anywhere," the Chief said. "I wonder where she is."

"You know Pocahontas," the elder declared. "She has her mother's spirit. She goes wherever the wind takes her."

"Maybe I can help look for her?" Cherry offered.

"Thank you, I would appreciate that, Cherry." the Chief smiled at her.

Cherry nodded, then went all around the village to look for the one named Pocahontas. She then came across a river with a different Indian girl in a canoe. She was looking up above the cliff above from her. Cherry looked with her and stepped forward.

"Pocahontas!" the girl yelled up. "Your father's back! Come down here!"

"Oh, so that's Pocahontas?" Cherry observed.

"Yes," the girl glanced at her. "I'm her best friend, Nakoma. You must be new around here or something if you don't know the chief's daughter."

"I don't know how I got here," Cherry shrugged. "I was reading this book about an Indian village and I woke up here."

Nakoma stared at her strangely. "I'd like to hear your life story, but I have to get my friend to come down before we get into trouble. Maybe you can help me, Cherry. Pocahontas!"

"Hey, get down here before you hurt yourself!" Cherry called to the Indian girl.

Pocahontas then jumped off the cliff, much to Cherry's shock and Nakoma's impatience.

"No, not that way!" Nakoma cried, then looked uneasy.

Pocahontas still dove and landed in the water swiftly.

"Is she okay?" Cherry asked as she went in the canoe with Nakoma to get the chief's daughter.

"She's fine, just a show off." Nakoma grumbled as she paddled her and Cherry closer.

"Pocahontas? I think you should listen to your friend?" Cherry looked into the water and looked around.

"Pocahontas?" Nakoma looked. "Are you alright?"

"Maybe she's drowned."

"Pocahontas, you better be alright because we're not coming in after you!"

Pocahontas grabbed Nakoma, flipped the canoe over, making Cherry fall into the water. Cherry tried to keep herself up from drowning as the girls fought like children. Pocahontas flipped the canoe back to normal and met with Nakoma.

"Who's that?" Pocahontas noticed Cherry.

"That's Cherry," Nakoma replied, pulling the new girl in with them. "She must be lost, she said she woke up here with no idea how she got here."

"Stick with me, you'll be okay." Pocahontas assured.

"That's terrifying." Nakoma laughed, teasingly. "What were you doing up there?"

"Thinking." Pocahontas replied.

There then came a raccoon onboard. He was dripping wet, so he shook himself like a dog to get dry, splashing the girls.

"Meeko!" Pocahontas called.

"He needs a towel or a hairdryer!" Cherry cried, sputtering from the river water. "What were you thinking about, Pocahontas?"

"About that dream again?" Nakoma asked. "Did you figure that out?"

"I know it means something," Pocahontas stated. "I just don't know what."

"You should ask your parents about it," Cherry suggested as she rode back to the village with them. "I always did that when I had bad nightmares."

"Maybe I should," Pocahontas said, then grabbed a green humming-bird. "Come on, Flit."

"Silly bird." Cherry giggled and squeezed him, and he squirted water at her. "Eww!" she giggled.

"Quit playing around," Pocahontas teased. "We have to get back."

Flit the bird squeaked irritably at them as they went back. Meeko the raccoon giggled. It would be a long trip back.

Cherry's Adventures of Pocahontas Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin