chapter 7

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Things seem to have gotten more and more serious as time went on between Pocahontas and John Smith. Pocahontas and Cherry returned to the village as the tension increased. Something seemed wrong as Pocahontas and Cherry ran into Nakoma.

"Cherry, Pocahontas, are you guys crazy?" Nakoma asked. "What were you doing with that-"

"Pocahontas, Cherry, there you are." Kocoum came, cutting Nakoma's question short.

"Kocoum!" the girls cried together.

Kocoum put his arm around Pocahontas. "Look at them. Now we have enough warriors to destroy those white demons."

"White demons?" Cherry asked, frightened.

"Now that we are joined by our brothers, we will defeat this enemy." Kocoum concluded, looking at the Indians ready to attack John Smith and his men.

Pocahontas looked sick to her stomach. Cherry then looked to see the chief and she went with Pocahontas to talk with him.

"Father, we need to speak with you." Pocahontas told him.

"Not now, my daughter and guest," Chief Powhatan said, walking off. "The council is gathering."

"We don't have to fight them!" Cherry spoke up. "There must be a better way!"

"Sometimes our paths are chosen for us." Chief Powhatan replied.

"But maybe we should try talking to them." Pocahontas insisted.

"They do not want to talk."

"But if one of them did want to talk, you would listen to them, wouldn't you?"


"Wouldn't you?"

"Of course, I would," Chief Powhatan looked at both girls, deeply. "But it's not that simple. Nothing is simple anymore." he then left the join the council as the girls grew nervous.

"What are we gonna do?" Pocahontas asked.

"We'll think of something." Cherry said to her like a supportive sister.

Later, that night, the girls knew what they had to do. It grew dangerous outside and they were told to stay in the village, but of course, they didn't. Cherry and Pocahontas went to the cornfield to meet with John Smith and tell him everything.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Cherry asked.

"I'm positive, we have to do what we can, Cherry." Pocahontas told her.

"Pocahontas! Cherry!" a voice called.

The girls turned to see Nakoma.

"Nakoma!" Pocahontas called.

"What are you doing here?" Cherry asked.

"Don't go out there," Nakoma told the girls. "I lied for you once, don't ask me to do it again."

"I have to do this!" Pocahontas urged.

"He's one of them!"

"You don't understand, Nakoma, you don't even know him!" Cherry said.

"If you go out there, you'll be turning back on your own people." Nakoma stood in front of them to stop them.

"You guys accepted me and I'm not one of you." Cherry brought up.

"That's different." Nakoma stated.

"I'm trying to help my people." Pocahontas said.

"Pocahontas, please," Nakoma begged her to reconsider. "You're my best friend. I don't want you or Cherry to get hurt."

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