19 - I could still win.

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By six the next evening, I'd showered and every hair on my body had been removed, shaped, or curled and styled, depending on its location. My freshly painted nails were a deep blue, and I'd done my makeup to perfection.

Andre was due to pick me up in an hour. Staring at the three outfits I laid across the bed, I still couldn't decide, but Laurel promised to FaceTime and help.

She'd been busy having fun with her family, but her brothers were still a handful. Apparently, two were in a fight, and she'd spent the night before and most of the day making them work it out.

When my cell alerted me to her call, I jumped up from my spot in the living room and rushed to the bedroom. I faced the camera and answered, "Hey! How's everything? Did you get your brothers straightened out?"

"For now." She placed a wineglass aside. "I'm sure something else will set them off in a minute. Thanks for asking, but we're not worrying about them." With a twirl of her finger, she said, "Spin me around. Let's peruse the choices. I'm sure your bed is covered."

My eyes narrowed. "How do you know I'm not already dressed?"

"Because you're making that everything's fine face you make when you're about to freak out, and I can see the collar of your robe." She gave a sly grin. "Unless you've changed your mind about going out, and a silk robe is the outfit. I bet Andre wouldn't hate it."

"You got me." I sighed and pointed the camera at the bed. "These are the choices. Surprising me with what we're doing isn't helping."

"He didn't give any hints?"

"Only to wear comfortable shoes."

Laurel's high-pitched cackle filled the room. "Do you ever wear anything else?"

I huffed. "That's all he told me."

"Why would... Oh! A bunch of places still have their light displays. I bet you'll go to one of those. Like, the Atlanta Botanical Garden or something."

Strolling through the lights with him sounded so romantic I must've made an accidental dreamy noise because Laurel blew a raspberry. "Get it together, girl. Don't go melting before he even gets there."

I shook the image from my head and refocused on the clothes. "First, I have super casual dark jeans and a lavender sweater." I scanned the outfit and lifted the top to show off the cut.

"That's cute, but jeans might be too casual. What's next?"

"A black maxi dress with my cheetah print high top converse, and my cropped brown puffer jacket if we're outside."

"Is that the v-neck maxi?"

"Yep." I picked it up to show her, and she hummed with approval.

"That's the one. Cute, but not too much."

"Thanks for your help. I wanted to wear this, but it's not my usual, and I needed a little push."

"I know. Just like I'm sure the third choice covers you from chin to toes."

Turning the phone from the bed so she wouldn't glimpse the chunky turtleneck sweater and dress slacks, I grimaced. "You don't know everything."

"Maybe not, but I've got you pegged," she sang. "Put me down and get dressed. I want to peep the fit before Hot Stuff gets there."

I giggled and put the phone on the dresser. "You haven't even seen a recent picture of him."

"And whose fault is that?"

"If there's an opportunity that doesn't make me seem crazy, I'll get a pic for you and Granny. She wants to see him too."

"I love it!" Laurel took a loud sip of her wine. "Tell me about your trip."

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