Chapter 6 _ Final War LCF.

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Chapter 6 _ Final War LCF.

{Chapter 758: Seeing it all (3)}

"Where do these titles come from, mother?"

Mila* wanted to have an answer for her son, but she also wasn't sure about the origin of the chapter titles. But she thinks it has something to do with the transmigrator, as things are told from her point of view.

But what does that title mean? 'Seeing everything', but seeing what exactly? The final battle?

{Alberu Crossman thought about what he had seen a few moments ago.

Not long after one of the black pieces started showing Clopeh Sekka, the black color started disappearing from another piece.}

'Speaking of this guy, where is he?' Cale felt dubious at being reminded of Clopeh Sekka's existence.

'He wasn't brought here, was he?'

Probably not, or he would have said some shit by now. No, there's no way the God of Death could have brought him here, the God wouldn't be so willing to die at Cale's hand to do that.

No, there is absolutely no way he could be!

Cale was in denial, eternal denial.

But where is Clopeh anyway?

Well… Clopeh is currently busy spreading out video recording devices at the back of the room, as quietly as possible. He thought not, but magic works in this room! How lucky he must be! This way he can record and show his Legend's exploits, it will be easier when writing his biography and Cale's path to becoming a legend!

Maybe... maybe he'll even create a museum so everything will be recorded for centuries!

{The one who appeared was Cale Henituse.

He seemed pretty much the same as he had looked when he went into the temple.}

"The Temple of the God of Despair?"

"Yes," Cale replied to Rosalyn*, but he didn't give any more information either. Why bother talking more if any of his friends are going to handle it? He just wanted to lay down and sleep for a while. Where is your beloved lazy life? He... when will he be able to live his dream for an indefinite time?

Choi Han sighed to his sovereign. He can read Cale almost 100% now, so he can see his intentions.

"The temple opens after killing its final guardian, and the key to close it is inside the temple. But for that you need to pass some tests"

"Yes, as Choi Han here said, tests are done when you enter the temple. I don't know if it's the normal setup, but the ball above the temple shows a real-time recording of each person who finishes their test. Clopeh Sekka was the one first to finish all the tests, that's why I mention there in the clip that after him, the person who appeared where one of the black pieces was, was Cale Henituse"

"Your Highness, what are the tests?"

"There are 5 tests, the first is sadness, the second is laziness, the third is failure, the fourth is unworthiness and the fifth is anger. They are tests based on emotions, I don't know how they are expressed in the tests, because I was not inside the temple, but you can ask some of the people who went later"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

{'Raon-nim said that Cale was using his ancient powers nonstop and that he could feel the aura, but...'}

'Oh' this is new, Cale didn't know they could feel when he was using his powers.

{Thankfully, that seemed to have been an illusion in the test. Cale seemed fine. His complexion seemed decent and he didn't even seem tired.

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