Chapter 10 _ "...thanks for being alive..."

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Good Morning!

The 18th is my birthday!!!!! I'm so happy! Since I'm excited, I'll post 4 separate works after this chapter. The theme? Well… you can check it out if you go to my profile and decide to read my works. Ah, this chapter was supposed to come out on the 18th, but I was so excited... well, I hope you like it!
(My works are posted on AO3, I don't know when I'm going to put them on wattpad, but I imagine it will be soon)


Chapter 10 _ "...thanks for being alive..."

{Chapter 27 – You… (2)}

The screen soon comes back to life with a new title, making the drunk table light up in new joy.

Cage clinked once more before looking at his counterpart. Then she looked at Taylor and they had a brief eye talk.

So their attempt began.

"Hey, another me! Come sit with us!"

"...", Cage* continued standing in the same place, looking at his double.

Does she have the right to sit next to them? To enjoy Taylor's presence and be happy for a brief moment? When they get back, Taylor won't be there, he'll still be a cold corpse, a bone she buried.

No, Cage can't go through with that.

It's okay, she's content to sit back and watch them be happy, that's enough. She need not intrude among them.

So she decides to ignore her doppelganger's call.

{"Come on in."

Cale motioned for them to come into the room, and Cage pushed Taylor’s wheelchair inside. Once all three of them sat down at the table, Cale did not even take a look at the alcohol before he asked.

“What is it that you want?”

Cale's voice was extremely cold and stoic as usual. However, this just confirmed in Taylor's mind that this person in front of him was not a trash. In fact, he was smarter than most people thought.

Taylor had not come here just to drink with Cale. Alcohol was only good when you were comfortably drinking with people you could trust. Drinking with others was just for easy conversation and observing the other party.}

"You have very good perception! You are my newest friend!"

It's official, Glenn can't take any more Bud. Honestly, he still doesn't know how he became friends with that thing. When had he, such a good wizard, lowered himself to this level? Maybe it was the fact that Bud came from the Twin Island where he had all that beautiful, hand-brewed beer. Those scenes of beer being brewed can be considered art.

But as a toast he got this friend of his. So... gangly, scandalous, boring.


{“What kind of person do you think I am, young master Cale?”

Cale quietly observed Taylor after hearing his question from him, before approaching his bed and picking up a pouch. He brought it back and put it on top of the table.


A metallic sound filled the room as the pouch slightly opened. Inside the pouch were plenty of gold, silver, and bronze coins. Cale's confident voice filled the room.

“I don't know why you are heading to the capital right now, when every noble in the country's attention is focused on the capital, but I'm sure there is only one thing people like you who are heading into the lion's den want from me.”}

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