!! Piracy !!

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Hey... I know it's not very nice to say this, but I just got some news that really pissed me off.

A reader came to tell me (on wattpad), that someone was translating my fic without permission. I went to check and there really is a person doing this.

Hey, that's not cool. I don't mind if that happens, as long as you have my permission. I know that the language barrier can get in the way and that it can be annoying and that's why someone might want to translate the fic into another language, but is it really that difficult to send a message asking if you can do that?

I know, I understand that I also use translations of the novel that technically weren't allowed to be done. But still, I now realize how frustrating this can be.

Please, if anyone wants to translate the fic, come and ask me. And if you don't ask, at least give the credits!

It's really irritating to go to the trouble of writing something, writing opening and closing notes as well, explaining countless things about the novel (as I did in the opening chapters) or even talking about theories or difficulties I'm having writing, and just reaching out to someone and translating the fic without, at least, putting those parts that might be important (in my view it's important, but for someone else it can't be. Well, I would at least be less irritated if the person had put everything on the chapter and not only what interests you).

Well, that was it. I hope it wasn't too annoying, and I'm sorry if it was, but there's nothing I can do.

Oh, last warning: I'm almost done with the next chapter, but I think it's short, so I'll add a few more things and come back with it next week for you.

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