Chapter 35 _ Don't let me be lazy!

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Hey! How long!

As I said, the updates could only be after the 10th, and here I am! Well, I wanted to do a combo of chapters, but it didn't work out the way I wanted. Hmm, it wasn't that bad, as I managed to take some time off to read a few books these past two weeks.

But there's only ⅖ left to finish the next chapter. I should go out with him around next week. Hope you guys are as excited as I am!

I know it's not a nice thing to talk about, but since Ao3 dropped for a long time on Monday, I'll leave my wattpad use as a backup here if you want to be more secure so you don't lose the fic. (@dudacardoso58)

Hmm, the chapter is out of proofread, so you'll be warned if there are any mistakes.  My dear proofreader unfortunately got sick and had to be hospitalized, and as I had promised to bring a chapter after the 10th, here I am with some mistakes.


Chapter 35 _ Don't let me be lazy!

Lee Soo Hyuk didn't comment this time, but everyone knew that a new clip was starting when they saw the sequences on the screen.

{Chapter 97 – I Got a Feeling (1)

One month later.

Cale got to relax for exactly one month. Honestly speaking, it was slacking off in his point of view, but everybody else saw it differently.

“Is he bored?”

Raon was observing Cale, who was blankly staring out the window and eating summer fruits. Raon’s face was serious.

How could he not be worried? Cale was rocking on a rocking chair for the last two hours while looking out the window and eating fruits. He didn’t say a word nor even frown.}

"...and that's my dongsaeng's definition of peace"

"Our dongsaeng is a bit… we must make sure he gets that peace," Alberu said with a sigh.

Really. He needs to guarantee the peace and dream of his dongsaeng.

"But no one believes this is his ideal dream. Neither do his kids! Ha! It shows him how much he can't sit still."

Lee Soo Hyuk shook his head with a smile on his face. Seeing this kind of scene only reminds him of the days he spent with Cale and Jung Soo.

"This punk was always like that. He always said that his dream was to earn money and have an early retirement where he would do nothing. But Jung Soo and I knew his personality very well, so we knew that he couldn't live that kind of life without causing any problems. So we made a promise to drag him with us when we went to live on the farm, with our crops and live peacefully"

Alberu knew that Lee Soo Hyuk didn't blame Cale, but that also didn't mean that Lee Soo Hyuk didn't feel sadness or nostalgia for the times he spent with this troublesome dongsaeng of theirs.

It was more than obvious that Lee Soo Hyuk resents him for dying, for breaking the promise he made with Cale.

"But it wasn't possible. Me and Jung Soo died before that and left Kim Rok Soo behind"

Choi Han also listened silently. He had the memories of those conversations and also the moment the promise was broken. He could tell how hard it was for those three.

"But I'm happy. Cale is happy now. He's got a new family that he loves and cares about and who love him back too. And he's also sworn to start a farm."

Lee Soo Hyuk smiled once more.

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