Chapter 37 _ A request and a pardon.

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Hey! How are you?

Sorry for the small chapter, I think that reading practically 14 books, still of a dubious character, in less than a month, made me not only enter into a literary hangover, but also into a "crisis" as a writer. You know when you want to write, but when you enter the chapter all your excitement and ideas disappear? This happened to me.

Well, I managed to write, but the chapter did not turn out the way I wanted. Anyway, I'm back and I hope the next chapter isn't small like this one.

Ah, I also changed my plans, I wanted to put chapters about the war, but I already received two other requests and maybe I'll put them first, but I also have other ideas. Let's see what my head decides by the end of the next chapter.

And sorry for all the rambling on that note, I just love to talk :). Oh, and I hope you like it. It didn't turn out the way I wanted. I would have liked something more bitter and painful, but my own "climate" did not allow me to write something distressing Mayan.

Oh, and I want to give my thanks to Ray for proofreading the chapter errors. Thank you dear :)


Chapter 37 _ A request and a pardon.


The room was…uncomfortably quiet, metaphorically speaking, you could cut the "air" with a knife.

The TBOAH part was, how to say? Perplexed? Rabid? Disgusted? Still scared and desperate? A little hard to tell when human feelings and emotions are so complicated to read and figure out, and people being such a mess doesn't help either.

One person can't even figure out everything they feel, so there's no way for another person to know everything another person is feeling when they can't even figure it out themselves.

The thought can be a little difficult to understand or accept, but that's the reality: people are a set of cells, nerve endings and vessels that together form a very complicated "thing" to understand.

And when that clump of cells develops and starts absorbing everything around it, like a sponge absorbs water, and learning what others consider "right," it's hard to change that thinking after years of living with it.

And this is even worse with people who from birth have been taught that they are better than others, simply because they have money and a "dignified" birth.

The nobles.

This class of people are the most difficult to change their thoughts. Why? The answer should be simple: money.

But not only that, of course.

The difference between commoners and nobles, when it comes to accepting something, is much more than the lack or excess of money.

Nobles are… petty. They want power. Well, most of them at least.

Now commoners… they wish to live and improve their life a little. A commoner would latch onto creatures of darkness without much thought if it would get them out of the oppression that some landlords place on them.

You can see this by looking at the Territory of Prince Valentino's cousin from the Caro Kingdom. Citizens fled to a place where only death awaited them, out of fear, out of hunger, out of a desire to be free even if it was the last thing they did (and for many it was the last thing they did).

This is the center of the difference: the difficulty that each one experienced.

It's not romanticizing pain and suffering, but those who suffered difficulties and pain, accept more than those who lived in ease. Pain, fear, perhaps even despair, are necessary for people to learn what real life is like outside their protective cocoons.

Chrysanthemum and IrisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora