Chapter 44 _ A snake and an enemy.

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Chapter 44 _ A snake and an enemy.

{Chapter 198 – There’s a Dragon? (3)


The knight stepped back as Clopeh raised his sword into the air. The white aura shot up to the sky even farther and brighter than the black aura.

An aura was the sword master’s identity.

It followed the owner’s personality. That was why the Guardian Knight trusted his strength over that black-haired punk.

It was at that moment.


The white wyvern roared as well. Choi Han shouted in order to be heard through that roar.


“Ha. What an arrogant kid!”}

Choi Han's expression went blank as he heard the laughter coming from some of his friends.

"'Child,' he said!"

"Ohhh myyy, so young our swordsman"

"At such a young age"

Even Alberu was holding back his laughter upon hearing the comments said in a louder than ideal voice.

“Choi Han really is an elder”

Cale's innocent comment caused the room to fall into silence before a wave of laughter began to emerge.

Choi Han this time had a puppy dog expression as he looked at Cale with a betrayed look.

But Cale was oblivious to Choi Han's kind of gaze.

'Truly an elder'

Cale knew that Choi Han had lived many years, much longer than he thought anyone would in their right mind.

Many years living in a hell like the Forest of Darkness. Living alone, in pain, hunger, fear, with lots of bad things around you.

"You did well to continue living so many years, Choi Han. It's okay to be an elder, you're not the only one. Eruhaben-nim is also old and no one laughs about it"

Cale's courage in calling a Dragon, even more so an Ancient Dragon, an old man in a straight face was something that many still haven't discovered how to achieve.

Is it courage or lack of self-love?

"That's right, strong Choi Han! Grandpa Goldie is old, but he's still family. It's okay to be old!"

"Grandpa Ron is old too nya!"

"And he's still right in the head. It's okay to be old as long as you're not crazy like the lunatic Clopeh!"

Choi Han didn't know whether he was happy with the children's excitement or felt offended.

In the end, he chose to be happy.

"Yes. I'm still going to live for many years, so I'm going to get even older"

What everyone was ignoring, even Choi Han, was the expression of disbelief that the Golden Dragon had on his face since Cale's previous speech.

{The white light turned into a ball and charged toward Choi Han. The Black Bone Dragon started to move as well.

It felt as if the entire heaven and earth was shaking.

The black light clashed against the white light and let out a screeching noise.


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