Chapter 1: Beauty and Brains

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You couldn't believe it. Your own room. You stepped over the threshold and slowly closed the door behind you. You backed up, taking the full room into focus. Your own bed, dresser, and even a chair sat in the corner by a small window overlooking the courtyard of Trost District.

You carefully put down your few belongings on the chair, still feeling like a stranger to this room. You took of your boots, slid them next to the bed and sprawled out, stretching as wide as you could. You closed your eyes and couldn't imagine how life had changed for you in such a short amount of time.

Just last night, you were finishing up your cadet ceremony. Confirming that you would be joining the survey corp, but not just any normal scout, you would be commander Erwins personal assistant. Your comrades had mocked you, saying that you were so bad, they made a new position for you. They also said you were probably too old to be a new recruit anyways and said Erwin wanted to keep an eye on the elderly. They weren't wrong about either assumption, though dramatic you were 25, even though some of your comrades were a decade younger than you. They also weren't wrong about your lack of abilities. When it came to anything remotely physical, you had no idea what you were doing. Hand to hand combat was almost comical. Your friends regularly went easy on you but when Erwin came to visit, everyone couldn't wait to show off and beat you to a pulp.

And forget about ODM gear. You had no sense of balance or stability whatsoever. Every time you tried to get hooked into the practice arch, you would immediately flip and fall flat on your face. You couldn't believe how easily and gracefully some of your friends picked it up.

But when it came to tactical courses, medical training, and titan history, you knew it all. You memorized facts easily and could out maneuver any of the other cadets tactical plans. Even your commanders were impressed with you, but knew you would be killed instantly in battle with a real titan.

On one particular day of training, Erwin had come to visit with his lacky Levi. You had been out on the field training for hand to hand combat with another cadet. You saw one of your commanders walk over to Erwin and speak with him briefly. Then all three of them walked over to you and your fellow cadet.

Like clockwork, your once easy going opponent stuck you hard between the ribs in the back, twisted your arm behind your head and shoved you to the ground with his knee.

"Are you sure you're looking for her?" Levi scoffed at the commander.

Even from the ground you shot him a menacing look.

"Cadet, you're wanted in the conservatory. Get cleaned up", your commander shouted at you. The three turned on their heels and strolled towards the conservatory where your classes were held.

Your fellow cadet helped you up and apologized, but you didn't have time for pleasantries, you were busy being concerned over why commander Erwin, of all people, was supposedly looking for you based on what Levi had jeered.

You jogged over to the conservatory to find your commander, Erwin, and Levi standing around a table with the map of the walls Maria, Rose, and Sina. On the map, you can see the breaches in the wall from when the Colossal and Armored Titan attacked Sheganshina just a few months ago.

"The commander here tells me you have a unique, tactical mind, but lack skills required of you for battle. I'd like to pose a question for you and see how you would handle this".  Erwin says very calmly.

At first you are overwhelmed with flattery. Did THE Erwin Smith just say that you have a unique, tactical mind.  Then the fear and doubt set in, what is he going to ask you. You feel prepared after all your hours of learning and practicing these battle tactics, but you'd never had to perform them in what felt like such a high stakes situation.

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