Chapter 26: The Final Battle

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Once the ship is well away from where the fight happened, everyone spreads out to find their own spot to think, talk, or distract themselves.

"I have to go find Yelena," Levi says pushing himself up to stand.

"Levi, no, you're not ready. You need to rest," you start "If I rest any longer everyone's going to forget I exist." You know you can't stop him, so you just let him go and follow him down the hallway. He uses the handrails to guide himself to the front of the ship where Yelena is.

You see Armin coming down the hall, trying to convince Levi to not be reckless, but Levi gives him the same response he gave you. "Make her tell us where Eren is," he demands Armin. Pieke suddenly appears behind you, startling you. "I'll help too. Nothing else to do," she says solemnly.

Yelena talks. Levi doesn't even have to put his boot in anyone's mouth like usual. "Eren's second objective with likely be Fort Salta. He knows about the weapons there, especially the airships that could take him out." She finishes.

"You're very forthcoming with answering our questions," Levi says raising his visible eyebrow.

"I just have to ask you all something. You have to know Zeke's plan was the right thing to do. After all of this suffering? Isn't it obvious?" Yelena asks.

Everyone stares down at their feet. How can that have been the solution. There seem to be no right answers. Regardless, you're carrying a child right now, an Eldian child. Who you love more deeply than anything, except maybe Levi and Simon. Zeke was wrong, but so is Eren. Apparently there's no middle ground for Eldia.

Hange talks first, "I admit it, I was powerless. I had no solutions. No future to show Eren," they finish.

The rocking of the ship makes you queasy. You double over, almost vomiting. Levi stands from beside you and supports you on your feet despite his injuries.

"Are you alright?" Hange and Armin both ask in unison.

"I'm fine. Just morning sickness," you blurt out before realizing what you said. You quickly jerk your head up when you realize what you said. You find everyone staring back at you. There eyes wide and jaws hanging open. Levi is rigid, but still supporting you with his arms.

You break the silence, "...surprise.." you say awkwardly, shrugging your shoulders and giving them a questioning look.

No one says anything.Everyone's too stunned to say anything. Levi helps save you from the awkward silence, "...and we're also engaged," he says just as dryly as you had presented the original news.

Of course, Hange's the first one to break the silence. They run over to the both of you, squeezing you much too hard for a pregnant woman and a severely injured person to handle. "EEEEPP!! CONGRATULATIONS!" They squeal into your ears. "I can't wait for the wedding! I'm only a little terrified to have a little Levi running around!"

You're surprised Levi doesn't swear at Hange or threaten them in anyway. He just stands there. You think you can make out a faint smile under his bandages.

"It's not the best timing, but we know Zeke's plan was not the solution. This child will live a beautiful life. We will make sure of it," you say tears streaming down your face. Levi rubs your back to calm you down.

Yelena's face is twisted in thought. "Congratulations," she offers kindly. "I hope we can stop Eren," she pauses. "For your babies sake."

You smile at her and realize where she's coming from. You see her for who she is. You see the part she played in all this. You understand her. She's human, just like you. She was just born in a different place. You accept her thoughtful words.

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