Chapter 3: Dinner and a Show

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Three days go by. Business as usual with Erwin. Levi and Hange are gone at the old headquarters with Eren. You are thankful Levi will be gone for a while. You don't think you could deal with the tension between you two. You have been racking your brain trying to imagine what he was thinking the other night. You knew he was hard watching you, but did you come on too strong? Was he mad that you basically forced him to watch you when he said you were done?

Erwin notices you lost in thought while dusting off his bookshelf. He breaks the silence, "I have a job for you,"

You turn towards him and anticipate another errand going to talk to someone in trost and get their perspective about something.

"The scouts at the old headquarters are going to need regular supply runs. On top of that I would like to be kept in the loop about Erens trainings. I would like you to ride today. You'll bring some supplies that's being packed on a wagon now".

Wait. You're going to be heading to the old headquarters? That's where Levi is. Fuck. Well maybe you can find a way to avoid him as much as possible. You'll drop the supplies, speak to Hange and turn your ass right around.

"Sure. Thank you commander. I am going to head off to my room to get changed for the ride out. Will anyone be accompanying me?", you ask.

"No. I believe you can handle riding horseback on your own. But I do not want you traveling at night. I'm sure there will be an extra room for you at headquarters", Erwin explains.

"No!" You blurt out way too fast. "I can drop the supplies, get the information needed and head right back". You insist moving closer to him. You look at him with pleading eyes. Fuck you can't be there over night. You'll be forced to see Levi. You don't know if you can handle that embarrassment.

"The ride should take you about two hours at the very least. Then when you get there your duties will require at least an hour and you would not make it back before sun sets. You can have dinner there and head out at first light", Erwin says calmly.

Fuck fuck fuck. You smile up at Erwin, "Understood commander. Then I will see you soon", you turn on your heels and head for your room. You pack a small overnight bag. Your mind is racing so fast you almost forget to pack an extra pair of socks.


It feels good to be back on horseback. You hadn't done a long distance riding since training and hadn't been out by yourself in your entire life.

The wind whipped at your face and stung your eyes at first, but you got used to it as time went on. You also had plenty of time to plan your course of action with Levi. Your plan was to complete your duties and say you felt so tired from the ride that you would be heading straight to bed and you'd be gone by morning. That way, you could almost guarantee you wouldn't have to speak to Levi. You could put on a brave face long enough to do your duties, especially if other people were around.

You see the tall towers of the old headquarters come into view. You see people milling around outside. Someone is leaning out a window cleaning and others are dumping dirt from their dustpans out into the courtyard.

You pull your horse and cart around to the side of the building and see some of Levi's squad come out to help you get the supplies. You had never met Levi's squad before. The men come out and lift the boxes with ease.

"So you're Erwins famous assistant?" a man name Oluo jeers at you. "It all makes sense now", he laughs and so do Gunther and Eld.

"Suddenly I think I might be in need of an assistant!" Gunther blurts out. The three of them practically fall to their knees with laughter.

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