Chapter 24: Zeke's Plan

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You swing through the he trees and take out as many titans as you can. What is going on? Are you dreaming?

You know these men were just scouts moments ago, and now they are mindless titans. what the fuck happened? You dont know how he did it, but you know this is Zeke's doing.

You slice through the nape of another titan, but you're almost too slow and have to dive out of the way of another titans grasp. Fuck these ones are fast. You land in the top of a tree looking down. Your heart drops.


What if one of them is Levi. You hold back vomit as it surfaces on your tongue. You have to believe he's okay. He has to be okay. You need to tell him everything. You need him to be okay.

You call out to him, but don't get a response back. The titans are climbing the trees around you. How the fuck are they doing this? It's unlike any titan you had ever faced before.

You swing down and take out the few with their claws in the trees. They fall with a thud. You land on the neighboring tree and call out for Levi again. This time your heart stops and you think you're going crazy. You hear the whir of ODM gear and it's not coming from yours.


You see him take down three titans in a row. You double over in relief and tears well in your eyes. You don't have time to wipe them away. another titan is crawling up your tree. You swing down and slice through it's nape. You wonder how many you've taken out at this point, but it's definitely a personal record (albeit a very unfortunate personal record).

The forest is thick with steam from the fallen titans. You descend the tree as Levi takes out the last titan. You're both drenched in the blood of the fallen.

"We have to find Zeke, that rat fucking bastard!" Levi says stopping only for a moment before swinging through the trees.

"He can't have gotten far and his titan form is too big. He couldn't transform in these trees. We have to get him before he reaches the edge of the forest," Levi yells over his shoulder.

You ascend again quickly and try to catch up to Levi, which always proves impossible. when he's on a mission, he transforms into something you've never seen before. That's why he's humanities strongest. You figure he must have had to take out atleast twenty titans on his own.

You hear yelling coming from ahead of you and fear Zeke is going to transform, but you enter a clearing and see Zeke doubled over on the ground. Levi saws off Zeke's limbs, just as he had promised earlier. Zeke screams out in pain.

"Find a cart!" He yells, slicing through Zeke's right bicep, "And a thunder spear!"


You sit on the back of the wagon, headed towards who knows where. Zeke is laying in the center of the wagon on the floor. His limbs missing and steaming at the joints. Levi is practically steaming himself. You haven't said anything to him yet. You don't know how long you've been riding along.

You had begged Levi not to stick Zeke with the thunder spear. You had told him it was too risky. You could all be blown to bits if Zeke moved, but Levi claimed that Zeke feared too much for his life and his plan to kill himself.

You looked down at your ring and fiddled with it. Immense worry washed over you. You need to tell Levi, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. No time ever seemed right. Everytime you tried, a major fucking event had to happen.

You open your mouth and go to talk, when you're interrupted by Levi, slicing off Zeke's leg for atleast the tenth time now. Zeke seems exhausted from regenerating. You figure he'd be too tired to move even if Levi let his limbs recover. You knew Levi was taking out his anger on Zeke, so you didn't do anything.

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