Chapter 25: Team

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You patch Levi up with excellent care. He's unmoving, but he still has a faint heartbeat. You feel his breath on your hand as you stick him up. Even though you were extremely skilled when it came to medical procedures, the tear in his face was large. You knew this was going to leave a nasty scar.

You prayed over him and kissed him regularly. Hange came over at timely intervals to help and ask if you needed anything. They regularly made supply runs back to the original camp while you tended to your fiancé. They were making sure to keep their distance. You had to cry quietly over Levi, the Jaegerists would be out looking for you.

Hange had told you everything. They had gotten Zeke and him and Eren would be reunited. They told you about what had happened before you had left and what they had learned about the wine. You both cried happily when you admitted you hadn't had any.

You took shifts keeping watch. When it wasn't your shift, you curled up next to Levi, the blanket wrapped around the two of you. Finally day broke and you continued on with checking Levi's injuries.

He had unfortunately lost two of his fingers on one of his hands. You couldn't help yourself from drifting to inappropriate thoughts about the things those fingers and done to you and now they were gone. You shove the thought from your head, cursing yourself for being so stupid.

After a few days of this Hange urges you to go for a walk, "Maybe it will be good to get away for a bit," they suggest eagerly.

"I'm not leaving his side," you say lying next to him, your arms draped over his chest, feeling his heart beats calmed you down when you started to worry he wouldn't wake up.

"To all subjects of Ymir. My name is Eren Yeager. I've undone the hardening of the walls on Paradis Island. All the titans trapped within them have started marching. The Wall titans shall trample all surface of the land outside of this island until all lives existing outside have been exterminated from this world."

"What was that? Eren's destroying the world?" Hange turns to you in shock.

You feel Levi stir from beneath your arms. You back up in shock, letting him sit up on his own. "Levi!" You both shout in unison. "Don't get up!" Hange yells at him.

You both rush to his side and lower him back towards the ground. "Zeke went to Sheganshina with the Jaegerists." Hange tells him.

"I didn't know he was prepared to die," he turns to you and narrows his only uncovered eye at you, "you even warned me," he starts to say to you. He lifts his hand up in front of his face. He realizes both his pointer finger and middle finger are gone. "I let him get away again," he says staring down at his missing fingers.

"I'm sure you have regrets," Hange answers.

He lays back down, exhausted still from his injuries. He turns to you, his eyes begin fluttering closed. "Are you okay, Y/N? Is everything okay?" He asks quietly. You know what he means by everything. You rest your hand on his bare chest and rub your thumb in circles over his muscle.

"Everything's fine," you respond. "I jumped off the wagon before the explosion. Only got knocked out. A few scrapes a scratches, but we are going to be okay," you reassure him.

Levi seems satisfied with your answer and allows himself to fall asleep.


Hange and you begin preparing a cart to get Levi out of the forest. You hear the sound of the rumbling approaching the forest at a quicker pace than you could have imagined. You'll all be safe right? Eren said he was just killing everyone outside of the island, right?

With Hange's help, you carry a still sleeping Levi onto the cart, pack up your supplies, and get going. Where you are headed exactly, you aren't sure, but Eren has to be stopped.

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