Chapter 11: Wine and Dine

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The stars are still out when you hear the trot of a horse racing towards you. You look to Levi, who catches your gaze and sits up.

You follow his lead and sit up. Over the edge of the wagon, you can make out a horse and another scout in uniform. As they grow closer, you see the expression on their face. Not good.

"Titans are attacking the old Utgard Castle. Assistance is needed right now!" He yells out, not seeing Levi and you in the wagon.

Levi hops off the wagon and you follow him into the hide out to get in uniform. Levi is waking everyone from their sleep and ordering everyone to meet outside at the stables.

He stops at Hange's  room last, who has been keeping watch over Pastor Nick.

You hurry downstairs once you are dressed, legs shaking. You know you have improved since you started your training with Levi, but how many Titans were attacking? This amount of scouts is nowhere near the number that was taken out on the 57th expedition to capture the female titan. You'll stand no match against a hoard. You wonder what the castle looks like, are there trees around? Any pillars that would benefit ODM gear? Has the breech in the wall been found? Your mind is spinning.

Levi grabs your arm and meets your terrified eyes, "Where do you think you're going?" Levi asks, his head cocking to the side.

You look at him puzzled. Aren't you going with everyone else?

"You heard him. They need backup," you say earnestly.

"You're not the backup they're looking for. I need an extra set of eyes on pastor Nick. We are getting him back to Trost," Levi says.

The other scouts rush past you and you stand there dumbfounded. "I can help them," you insist.

Levi starts walking away toward Hange's room, where pastor Nick is being kept. "Are you going to follow your Captains orders?"

For a minute you think about it, honestly think about it. You want to help. You do. But you finally come to realize, you are not suited for this. You submit and follow Levi to where Pastor Nick is.


It's a long ride back. It must feel longer because you know there's a hoard of Titans within Wall Rose, or maybe it's because last time you were snuggled up with Levi. This time Levi sits across from you next to Pastor Nick. You sit next to the scout who returned from Utgard. He hasn't said much, but he said something about the colossal and the armored. Something about Titans who were scouts. You're having a hard time wrapping your brain around it, but it has to be true. If Eren was one, it's always possible there could be more.

You mostly watch ahead of you and try not to think about your night last night with Levi. It finally hits you that you that you fucked Levi twice in one day. Well technically the wagon happened after midnight, so start of a new day, but still. Fuck. You wish this nervous feeling would go away. Why all of a sudden are you more aware of your relationship with Levi? You wish you could just know what he's thinking.

The wagon finally pulls through the gates to Trost and you feel like you can breathe for the first time in over an hour. You're such a coward. Everyone else is off killing Titans and you're just sitting pretty in a wagon headed back to safety.

The scout that came with you informed Erwin and all the remaining scouts in trost of everything they had learned. There was no breach. The villagers of Rangako were likely turned into Titans. The castle of Utgard was being attacked by Titans. Three of the scouts from the 104th are titan shifters.

Erwin swung into action, ordering every soldier to gear up and meat him at the stables. He started heading out towards the stables immediately. You decided to run after him. Maybe he'd let you return and try to fight.

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