scared? for what?

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auditions were hard for things you weren't already a professional at. park and lee hated that.

maybe it was because they were so used to having offers thrown at them from different academies and programs from around the globe, but actually having to prepare something to show off your talents? what?

jangmi felt like crying after opening an email for yet another rejection — it was from the worst entertainment company in the nation, yeah, but it was still a rejection! how was she going to get into one of the big three when she got rejected by... she didn't even want to repeat their name, afraid the word would cast a black magic spell into her life and make her fail every other audition she did.

sunghoon laughed at his best friend's breakdown, watching as the girl repeatedly hit her head against the desk decorated prettily in her bedroom. he laid against her headboard, arm comfortably resting behind his head.

"it's not funny! this is serious, hoon! this is the end of me! what else am i supposed to do with my life?"

"we're only sixteen, mi. there's no need to stress. you can just go back to school."

the girl lifted her head from it's previous position, giving sunghoon the stinkiest eye he'd ever seen. he raised his hands in the air, surrendering. "i am sorry, lee jangmi. i will never say that again."

she rolled her eyes, crying out as she slammed her head down once again. "whatever."

the boy's amused expression slowly faded as he watched the girl's back show her breathing pattern, biting his lip as he sat on a piece of information that'd potentially break jangmi.

he'd already known for a few days, having jumped at the sound of a new message in his inbox three days prior. of course he wanted to tell jangmi to come over so they could find out if he'd passed to the second round together, but she was struggling with her own process. he'd hate himself if he were the root of her sadness.

jangmi felt her eyes glisten with tears, a pout forming on her lips as she bit the inside of her cheek. she lifted her head from it's previous position, standing from her comfy chair and walking towards the bed.

sunghoon was torn out of his internal battle as he'd caught her figure moving towards him through his peripherals, looking up in time to see her flushing cheeks and watery eyes before her face buried itself into his chest.

"hey, hey.." he softly said, caressing the back of her head. "mi.." he trailed off, feeling her breathing slowly becoming more erratic as tears spilled from her eyes, landing on his chest.

the boy held her, closing his eyes as he tried mentally transferring some of his warmth into the girl. he soon gave up, though, seeing as her crying didn't stop. sunghoon instead opted to simply holding her, which was what she needed the most right now.

he could feel every emotion she didn't speak of — jangmi was an open book to him. they knew eachother better than they knew themselves, they were eachother's other halves.

a few minutes passed and jangmi's tears only somewhat halted, the girl shifting in the boy's hold as he continued his motions on her head.

"i know about bighit, you know.." she trailed off, the girl placing her chin on his chest once she'd felt his hand stop it's motions. she looked into his eyes, seeing he was shocked. she chuckled, only showing the amusement through her nose.

he wiped her tears, holding both sides of her face with his hands. the pair maintained their eye contact, sunghoon breaking his silence with a deep breath outward.


"we hooked our emails and phone numbers together, don't you remember?" she asked, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

and to them, it was. everything they did together made perfect sense to him, and her. but mainly to him.

he made an ahh sound, looking down again. "i'm not upset," she began once again, breaking yet another moment of silence. "just... scared? worried?"

their eyes met for an nth time, "scared? for what?"

she chuckled, yet there were no signs of amusement found in her facial expression. sunghoon could see she was both of the words she'd just said, yet didn't want to show it.

"we've always been together, hoon. since the day i was born, mom's haven't let us be apart from eachother for more than a day..

what if you getting into bighit means that'll, y'know, change?"

++ thoughts on jangmi and sunghoon..
sungmi... janghoon... so far?

𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟, 𝐩. 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now