i miss you [more]

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the boy's custom ringtone sounded through the girl's new dorm room, a small smile appearing on jangmi's face as she answered the facetime call.

park's face appeared on the screen, eyes brightening instantly after seeing lee's. "hi, mi,"

"hi, hoon.. how are you?"

it felt odd to ask this question, as they'd always spent every moment of every day with eachother. to not know what happened to the boy because she hadn't been by his side felt.. off. she didn't like it.

a small smile appeared on his face, telling her a million things words couldn't even begin to get across. "i'm okay, mi.. you?"

it was her turn to give him an unreadable expression. she leaned into her pillows, taking the matching plushie she had with the boy in her arms.

if she was being honest, jangmi felt exhausted. never before had she had such a nit-picky, perfectly curated schedule before. wake up, breakfast, warm up, dance lesson, break, more dancing, break, rap lesson, lunch, language lesson, dancing, dinner, and rotating sessions for two hours before she returned to the dorm.

"it's.. different." she softly spoke, sunghoon nodding in agreement, feeling sorry for the girl as he could feel the exhaustion dripping from her tone.

"are you practicing with anyone else?" he asked, mind wandering off to the boy he'd met earlier in the day, with the same surname as him.

"yeah.. there are four other girls with me, at least they're who i was put with today.. they're sweet."

"good," was the first thing he said, glad to know the girl had already begun building friendships at the company.

jangmi showed the boy a soft smile, though there was no sign of happiness behind the expression. "i miss you."

a soft chuckle escaped from the boy, "it's been a day, mi. you can't miss me that bad already,"

that was a lie. it could be five minutes without seeing her, and sunghoon would feel his heart being ripped from his chest. he missed her more than she could ever imagine — but she couldn't know that.

"that's a lie, you know that. i miss you when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night." jangmi replied, growing quiet at the realization that last night had been the last night they'd get to cuddle eachother to sleep, for who knew how long.

he watched as a frown grew deeper on her face, and hummed. "lee jangmi," he began, "i miss you more. but, let's take the time we have away from eachother as.. a lesson. a little test. if we both hate this and decide to quit, we can go to school and study dance and work at an academy together. but if we like it, and find ourselves in a group.. then that's that. the more time we spend away, the more we'll enjoy the time we're together."

++ </3 so sad

𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟, 𝐩. 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now