losing h̶e̶r̶ his mind

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maybe they spoke too soon, because two months had passed and their nightly phonecalls had been cut to one-a-weekly phonecalls.

jangmi felt herself going insane with the lack of sunghoon she had, but there was nothing she could do about it. her company was strict with their rules, especially with the daily one-hour phone limit they had. anytime lee would try and get in contact with the boy, he'd answer just five minutes before her time limit was up.

it wasn't because of him willingly ignoring her, she constantly had to remind herself. no matter how much the intrusive thoughts threatened to take over, jangmi was constantly reminded of the boy's packed schedule with her own. she now spent more time around her four partners than she had with her skating friends.

the girls were always together, forcibly inseperable. they felt no negativity towards the fact, as they'd quickly become close friends, finding parts of themselves in eachother within a week of being a team.

of course, none of them could even begin to compare with the relationship she shared with sunghoon, but they would have to make due.

it was one of the rare occasions that the girls were let out of the entertainment building early, their trainers and the main producer saying they'd all been working hard and they deserved it. the five went home, arms interwined and jokes being cracked during their walk home. the sun was setting beautifully, and there was a nice breeze that cooled their warm bodies up from the work they'd put in hours before.

jangmi apologized to yizhuo as her phone rang, untangling her arm from the second youngest's as she grabbed the device from her jacket pocket. she smiled at the name, pressing the green answer button.

"hi, park," she greeted, able to hear the boy's smile with his simple greeting.

"hi, lee. how are you?"

"'m good, walking home with the girls right now. we got let out early. you?"

"oh, did i interrupt something? are you even able to talk right now? is it bef-"

"hoon, it's okay. i can be on my phone if we get a break, remember? don't worry," she quickly shut the boy up, giggling when he audibly sighed out of relief.

"just making sure.. so, can i call you later? when you're at your dorm?"

"yeah! that's fine,"

"okay. text when you get inside. i love you,"

"always. i love you, too,"

the pair hung up at the same time, the girl's walking with jangmi silent, though the biggest smiles were on their faces.

"so~ hiding a relationship, i see?" jimin was the first to speak, a teasing tone to her words.

jangmi's jaw dropped, the others laughing. "no! he's just my best friend,"

"best friend?" aeri began, "love, hoon, i love you?" minjeong continuing the sentence.

jangmi looked around, "we've always been like that.. there's nothing romantic between us at all, i swear!"

"mhmmm.." the four all hummed simultaneously, causing lee to hide her face in her hands, out of embarassment.

about an hour passed and jangmi was finally wrapped in her blankets, relaxing in her bed. it'd been a long week, and with such a busy schedule, she'd forgotten to miss sunghoon.

not that she didn't miss him at all, just.. the burning desire to be around him at all times, to run into his arms and hug him like there's no tomorrow, her insides churning to spend even five minutes with the boy — she hadn't thought of any of that. it was strange.

and when they finally got to facetime, the sight of his face brought her that familiar sense of comfort. the sense that she had no reason to doubt herself, or to rethink her decisions, and that her best was the best.

he was that for her, as she was that for him.

sunghoon was able to cover the tears that'd pooled in his eyes after she'd finally called, a wave of relief coming over the boy.

she couldn't even begin to imagine how badly he'd been missing her. the plushie she'd snuck in his luggage drenched in her perfume was slowly losing its scent on his bed, which had caused the boy to begin suffering from sleeping problems. he'd always been unable to sleep without feeling her in his arms, and now that the only physical piece of her he had was losing her, he was losing his mind.

the boys he'd been practicing with had noticed the park boy beginning to slowly lose his spark, but with their simple forty minute call, he'd gained it back.

++ they're so cute stop
+++ more interactions pretty pls <3

𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟, 𝐩. 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now