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"nervous?" his tired voice sounded through her nearly dead device. lee was fighting her sleep, eyes closing and opening in a frenzy when she'd almost fallen into the sweet feeling of sleep, for the fifteenth time in ten minutes.

"yeah, how'd you know?"

"cause you're not sure how you'll do. and if you don't know if you'll be perfect at something, you get nervous."

jangmi softly chuckled, nodding her head even if the boy couldn't see.
"i know i'm right,"
"shut it, park."
"whatever you say, angel."

a small smile appeared on her face at the nickname, the clock on her bedside now reading 22:57. she had to go to sleep soon, their schedules started at 7 tomorrow.

"i can't believe my girl's gonna be an idol tomorrow. time flies."
"i know.. it's weird, right?"
"mm.. yeah.. i always thought i'd be the senior... but you got me beat by 2 weeks."

jangmi chuckled, asking herself why, why, why was her face getting hot? she was grateful they'd opted for a voice-only call this night, knowing sunghoon wouldn't have hesitated to poke fun at her presumably red cheeks.

he always referred to her by various nicknames— why was today any different?

jangmi couldn't stop the yawn that soon escaped her lips, sunghoon softly chuckling as the sweet embrace of sleep was quickly taking over his own senses.
"it's midnight, mi. you have to sleep. we'll talk tomorrow, okay?"

she once again nodded, even though, once again. he couldn't see. sunghoon smiled because she always did that — it was her thing. he could envision her now— under five blankets and tightly holding onto the matching plushies they'd had since they were little.

"goodnight, angel. i love you,"

she softly smiled, embarassed by her own reaction.

"i love you, park. goodnight."

he, too, felt a burning sensation on his face. he pressed the red button, sighing into the air as his screen turned black.

she's finally gonna debut.


𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟, 𝐩. 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now