sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴏɴᴇ ꕥ 011

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No matter how loud Mike, Dustin and Lizzie shouted, El wouldn't show. They were now in the woods, as searching the town had failed.

Lizzie froze as she pushed her bike along, suddenly hearing footsteps coming towards them.

"D'you hear that?" She asked cautiously, silencing Dustin and Mike.


Then Troy and James appeared on the horizon.

And Troy was holding a knife in his hand.

"Hey there Frogface, Crooknose, Toothless."

"SHIT! RUN, LIZZIE! GO, MIKE!" Dustin screeched.



They tore off throughout the woods, but Troy and James weren't far behind. "YOU'RE DEAD, WHEELER, JOHNSON!"

They ran and ran through the woods, finally coming out at the quarry, which was a rocky place to run on. It also led to a cliff with a hundred metre drop off it.

"Argh! Cramp!" Dustin shouted suddenly.

"Just- keep- going!" Lizzie yelled.

But then James appeared in front of them.

"SHIT!" Lizzie cursed loudly.

There were three ways out of the quarry. One, keep running, and, in this case, face James. Two, turn back, and, in this case, face Troy. Three, jump off the cliff, which they weren't doing.

Lizzie picked up a large rock and so did Mike, and Dustin got a large stick. "Stay back! Don't come any closer!" Mike warned, but when he tried to throw his rock, it missed terribly.

"Nice throw, numbnuts!" James mocked as Lizzie threw hers. She missed as well.

Dustin took a different approach, and launched himself at Troy, yelling and wielding his stick. "Arrrrgggh!"

But Troy was quick, and got Dustin in a headlock easily, holding the knife to his teeth. "Stay back, or I cut him!"

"What do you want?" Lizzie asked.

"I wanna know how you did it!"

"How I did what?" Lizzie said furiously.

"I know you did something to me! Some nerdy science shit that made me do that- that thing-"

"You mean piss your pants?" Lizzie phrased.

Dustin, who was trying to fight, said with difficulty. "Our friend has superpowers, and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind!"

"Shut up!" Troy said, moving the knife dangerously close to Dustin's mouth. "I think I should save Toothless here a trip to the dentist! Help him lose the rest of his baby teeth!"

"Leave him alone!" Lizzie shouted. "LEAVE. HIM. ALONE!"

"I'll leave him alone, sure!" Troy shrugged. "But now it's your turn! You or Frogface!"

"My turn to what?" Lizzie asked.

"Wet yourself."

"What?" Lizzie frowned.

"You jump," Troy indicated to the cliff. "Or your boyfriend here gets an early trip to the dentist."

Lizzie's eyes widened. No... no... but I can't let him hurt Dustin... I can't...

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