sᴇʀɪᴇs ғᴏᴜʀ ꕥ 8

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Meanwhile, Steve was waiting in his car, then, finally, he checked his watch, and forced his way out the car.

"Alright, it's been long enough!" He shouted, making his way up the hill.

"Steve! Steve just give her some time!" Dustin shouted.

"I've given her enough time, Henderson, alright? I'm calling it. If you want to get a lawyer for her, Mayfield, be my guest!" Steve shouted, gesturing to Dustin and Max in turn.

"Hey, Lizzie! Time to go! Come on!" Steve shouted as he reached Lizzie angry that she wasn't responding. But then he saw the reason for that.

Lizzie was sat right where she had been for the past ten minutes, but now, her eyes had gone completely white, streaks of red the only colour on them.

"Lizzie? Lizzie!" Steve shouted, shaking her. Of course, she didn't wake up.

"Lizzie! Wake up!"


Meanwhile, Lizzie was in the darker graveyard, with no one but her sister, who she still couldn't see through the dog.

"I've been waiting to hear those words, Lizzie..." She said. Lizzie could almost see her- "Waiting... so very long."

Lizzie swallowed her saliva and courage, but neither went down very far.


Dustin, Max and Lucas had now realised something wasn't right as they watched Steve yell and clap his hands in front of Lizzie's face.

"Lizzie? Lizzie, wake up! Lizzie!"

"Something's wrong," Dustin said.

And at that moment, he didn't care what he and Lizzie were, he just cared that the girl he still loved (regardless of her feelings) was in danger.

And they needed to save her from it.


"But it wasn't the full truth, was it, Lizzie?" Flora approached Lizzie, who could now see her fully. She had dead eyes, a cold voice, and blood all over her torso. The wound that the Mind Flayer had left still on it.

Lizzie was hyperventilating by now, crying too.

Flora looked at her in the eyes. When she had been alive, she had been almost the same height as Lizzie, and she still was now. She was exactly the same.

But it wasn't her.

"You know, I think there was a part of you... that wanted me to die that day. That was almost... relived," Flora said, reaching her sister.

"Flora no, that's not true-" Lizzie finally found the words, stuttering them out as her sister continued.

"That's why you said what you did to me, isn't it? That's why you stood there? It's okay, you can admit it now... you got your wish. You don't have a sister anymore."

"Flora that's not true, I swear! I swear that's not true-" Lizzie choked out, sobbing.

Flora payed no attention, backing her up. "And that is why you feel such guilt, why you hide from your friends-"


"Why you hide from the world-"


"And why, late at night, you have sometimes wished... to join me. Join me in death."

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