sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ꕥ 3

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"You're doing it, Lizzie! You're doing it!"

In an attempt to forget about Dustin, Lizzie had asked Max if she could have a go on her skateboard. Lizzie had been learning all summer, being taught by Max, and now she had the basics, she was learning some cool tricks.

"Right, do it again!" Max said excitedly, clapping her hands together.

Lizzie grinned and tried the trick, but she did it wrong and the skateboard rolled away from her. "Shit!"

"It's fine," Max reassured her. "Let's go and get the skateb-"

"El?!" Lizzie was very confused. El had Max's skateboard and was walking towards them. She was wearing an oversized flannel shirt that looked like it used to be Hopper's, and her expression showed hurt and confusion.

"Hi, Lizzie," El said, offering the girl a small smile, then she turned to Max. "Hi."

"Hi?" Max asked as El offered her the skateboard and she took it.

"Can we... talk?" El asked.

They went into Max's house, all three of them. Inside, Lizzie was screaming. Yes! Finally, her two friends that were girls were going to be friends as well. Things had been icy between Max and El ever since El had refused Max's handshake last year.

Once inside, Lizzie and El sat on Max's bed and Max stayed on the carpet in front of them, pacing. Then El explained what had happened.

Mike had called this morning, saying that his Nana was sick and that she needed to be tended to. He was supposed to go and see El at the cabin, but couldn't.

"And then he said he- he missed me," El finished unsurely. "And then he just hung up."

"He's a piece of shit," Max advised.

"What?" Lizzie interrupted. "I mean, I know Mike probably doesn't have jackshit to do today but there must be a reason for why he-"

"Well, his Nana obviously isn't sick," Max nodded, leaning in closer to the confused girl. "I guarantee you, him and Lucas are playing Atari right now!"

"But friends don't lie," El said hopelessly.

"Yeah, well, boyfriends lie," Max said. "All. The. Time."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Lizzie shouted, getting up off the bed and in between Max and El. When she had told Max all about the whole Dustin situation, the red head had given her almost identical advice. The only difference was, Lizzie wasn't stupid enough to believe it. Whereas, even though El wasn't stupid, she didn't have the knowledge others had about the real world.

"Lizzie, I'm just advising her, not manipulating her!" Max protested at a hard stare from her friend.

Lizzie rolled her eyes and said. "Okay then, advise away."

She could always convince El the other way if the advice got really bad.

"You're going to stop calling him, you're going to ignore his calls!" Max said immediately sitting beside El on the bed. "As far as you're concerned, he doesn't exist!"

"Doesn't exist?" El was a tiny bit horrified, but Lizzie bit her lip. Max's advice wasn't all too bad.

"He treated you like garbage," Max said. "Now you're gonna treat him like garbage!"

"Give him a taste of his own medicine," Lizzie smirked, nodding, sitting down beside Max and taking El's hands.

"Give him the medicine," El's eyes were wide.

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