sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ꕥ 1

39 1 0

Jul, 1985

Six months being the girlfriend of Dustin Henderson had probably been the best six months of Elizabeth Johnson's life. She was still as giddy as she had been when she had kissed him at the Snowball all those weeks ago. However, it was the summer holidays now, baby! And they were turning out very fun.

But Dustin was all the way over in Utah at a summer science camp thing right now, so Lizzie was making the most of her time having fun with her friends.

Speaking of fun, they were meeting up now actually. At Starcourt Mall, the new place in the centre of Hawkins.

It was really good. The Mall had at least fifty shops connected to it, and it definitely wasn't anything anybody in Hawkins was used to.

"Lizzie? You coming?" Lizzie jumped from brushing her hair in the mirror as she heard Will's voice come through the supercom on her bed.

"Yep! On it!" The Party were going to watch a film at the cinema in the Mall, well, everyone except Dustin and El were.

She sighed and put her supercom in a small bag, then rushed downstairs.

"Lizzie! Where are you going?" Robert, Lizzie's dad, asked her as she ran downstairs.

"The Mall!" Lizzie said animatedly as she added a snack to her bag.

"Oh, I would've thought you were conserving your energy for tomorrow?" Robert smiled as he watched her daughter move so excitedly. Tomorrow was the day Dustin was coming back.

Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Dad!"

"What?" Lizzie's dad wasn't an embarrassing parent most of the time, but sometimes his eldest had to draw the line.

Lizzie giggled and asked. "Where's Flora?"

Flora was Lizzie's sister. She was annoying, and since she had reached double figures in age, she had become even more so.

"She's already over there, at the Mall," Robert shrugged.

Lizzie grinned. "Okay, bye dad!"


Lizzie hopped on her bike and rode it over to the Mall.

She arrived pretty quickly, coming into the big parking lot outside the building and quickly seeing her friends.

"Lizzie!" Max was right beside her, Lucas and Dustin behind her, as she skidded to a halt, slid off her bike and pushed it into the rack.

"Hey guys!" Lizzie grinned as she hi fived Will. "Where's Mike?"

"Right behind you!" Mike's voice suddenly came and Lizzie jumped out the way as he arrived too.

"You're late!" Lucas complained as he slid off his bike.

"Lizzie literally just got here!" Mike protested.

"Yeah, but she was just coming! Meanwhile you..." Lucas began, mocking the other boy. " 'Oh El! I wish we could make out forever'!"

"Shut up! We're gonna miss the opening!" Will said to both boys.

"Yeah, if you keep whining about it!" Mike threw back. "Let's go!"

Max offered Lizzie an arm which she linked with hers and the two girls grinned, trailing after the three boys in front of them.

Lucas was continuing with his 'Mike and El Kissing Act' and so he was smacking his lips and saying. " 'Oh, and we should never hang out with any of our friends either! Just sit here and make out all day'..."

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