Chapter 3: Hephaestus Table Blues

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"Now let's eat!"

As soon as those words were said, us demigods stood up and sacrificed part of our food.

"Pfft, what are you doing? Is the food so bad that you want to burn it?" My mortal half-sister, Kryssa Barkens, snorted. Her face looked like a pig, her skin bright pink. Her brown hair in a mullock she thought was cool. "Or that you're so fat and want to become skinny?"

"Well you see, there's something called offerings. Where you know, you burn food." I said said sarcastically.

She just rolled her eyes. "Why should I offer to your greek gods?"

"Because they can incenerate you," I said.

"Would they incenerate an angel?" My step-dad said. "I mean, wouldn't she go to heaven?" I just rolled my eyes.

"You know they can give you curses," a voice said behind me. I turned around, it came from my half-brother Shane!

"And I should be afraid of swears because?" She asked with a crooked smile. I smirked.

"They can curse curse you," I said. "Zeus can make the sky go against you, Poseidon can drown you, Aphrodite can make you ugly."

She gasped at the Aphrodite part, but then smirked.

"Why should they care, they didn't care before?"

"Because you're in a demigod camp, with their children, and you know they exist," Christopher explained.

"So you better offer," Jake said giving her the stink eye.

"What about your dad? What would he do?" She said out of the blue.

"'Our dad Hephaestus," I pointed at my half-siblings "Can make technology against you."

It didn't seem to scare her, in fact it only made it worse.

"Your dad's Hephaestus, no wonder you're ugly. You got that from him."

That was the last straw. Once that was said table 8 and 10 stopped what they were doing, and looked at the squabble. Nobody, no mortal, insults us demigods, knowing their demigods, and get away with it.

Thunder rumbled.

"You can decide not to offer, heck you can even insult our parents! But never, will you insult my half-siblings and get away with it!" Jake warned.

"But you crossed that line," Harley said crossing his arms. Of course you couldn't see it. It was under the table.

"You're lucky you're not dead," Calypso said. She usually sits at our table.

"One more time then I'll burn you!" Leo screamed loud enough for the whole table to hear, but quiet enough that the others didn't. He put his hands on fire while Kryssa gulped. She ran away and offered.

"So you did kill Esperanza!" Leo's aunt, Rosa, screamed.

Leo went into a momentary trance, once he snapped out of it he glared at his aunt, his eyes full of hatred and sadness.

"I DIDN'T!" Leo screamed so loud the whole dining pavilion could hear. People stopped eating to look at the commotion. I'm really starting to want to skewer these stupid mortals. "IT WAS GAEA!" He screamed, then he broke into tears and ran away. Calypso shot daggers at Leo's aunt Rosa, and ran after him.

The Hephaestus cabin, the seven that were here, and Nico shot daggers at her. The scariest being Percy, Annabeth, and Nico's. But all of ours were scary. Aunt Rosa shrunk in fear.


Stupid mortals making demigods angry. I trugged after Leo.

"Leo calm down!"

He looked at me his eyes glassy, "Why should I?"

"It's ok, she's in a better place," I stopped, I thought of the perfect idea. Leo could see my ginormous grin.

"Why are you smiling!"

"I just thought of the perfect idea!"

I told him my idea. He smirked.

"We'll have to make plans with Athena first," I clarified.

"Those mortals won't know what hit them!"

We walked back to lunch, hand in hand.


Only one hour and trouble already striked. This will be a long month.

What's Calypso's plan?

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