Chapter 10: Guess What? I'm In The Hades Cabin!

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Running from harpies that are trying to eat you is hard enough.

Running from harpies that are trying to eat you at night while being as quiet as possible is even harder.

I run from out of the forest. As I run a bit of my caramel colored hair strands covered my face.

"You can't run from us forever!" one of the harpies screeched.

I ran and ran. I was getting tired, almost out of breath. I started huffing more. If I don't get the harpies of my trail soon I'll get tired and stop, and then they'll eat me!

Suddenly, I heard a loud noise behind me. I felt a hand touching my hair and painfully yanking some strands out. It hurts. I tripped and I heard the sound again.

Groaning, I used my hands to pull myself up. I scraped my hands and there were little holes in my black pants. No time to check for more damage. I have to run before the harpies catch up.

Gasping, I move my legs and run forward. I was slower than before, and the harpies were right behind me.

My eyes sting, this might be the end.

NO! Snap out of it You aren't going to die!

I was up to the circle of cabins now.

But the harpies were closer.

I could feel a hand reaching me.


"HEY YOU!" a masculine voice screamed in a whispery voice. "In here!"

Deciding not to take my chances, I ran towards the voice.

I saw a small pale boy with black hair and onyx eyes standing in the doorway of a black cabin.

I rushed into the cabin. The boy shut the door. I heard a splat as a harpy flew face first into the closed door.

That was a close call.

"Th-th-thank you," was all I could muster to the mystery boy. I was nearly out of breath. I held my hands over my chest. I kept panting. The boy just stared at me.

It was like that for a while.

"You're welcome," the mystery boy said, breaking the silence.

At this point I had already regained my breath. My hands still stung but the pain was already leaving. My pants were ripped, guess I got free ripped pants.

The boy placed his hands in his pockets. "Anyways, I guess I should say my, name?"

I didn't really know how to answer. So I just stayed silent.

The boy stuck his hands out. "My name's Nico. son of Hades."

I shaked his hands. "I'm uhh, Vee."

There was another awkward silence.

"Sooooo, I'm guessing this is the Hades cabin?" The bo- no, Nico- nodded, confirming my suspicions.

I used my hands to touch the back of my head. I remembered that someone had pulled some strands earlier. What was that about?

Nico walked towards a door. He turned to me. "You should stay here for the night. Please don't annoy me."
Nico opened the door, and walked in.

I took in my surroundings. Realization finally hit me.

I was in the Hades Cabin.

Well, I guess the plan could go faster.

I walked to a bed and layed down. Got nice and comfy. Try to look natural.

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