Chapter 9: Up High, Flying In Zeus' Domain With J.Grace

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It was dinner and I was sitting at the Zeus table picking at my food.

I get lonely sitting alone, I looked to the Dionysus table and sent a small wave to Pollux, he smiled while waving back. People feel pity at me, Percy, and Nico for sitting alone, even though Pollux does too.

I looked over to the Aphrodite table and I spotted Piper talking with the occupants.

She looked cute.

I sighed and continued poking at my food.

I was preparing to leave when a boy about 5 ran up to me.

He was short, he had a tan and bright brown eyes that shone with innocent. His bald head was shiny. He acted just how every demigod wanted to be; Innocent and carefree.

Seeing him I suppressed a smile, I patted him on the back while he hugged my leg. I wondered where his dad or mom was, or whether he had one. I mean, it's not normal to have a random ♡6 year old run up to you like an old friend♡.

"Hey little guy, you got a guardian?" I asked him while patting him.

He pointed at a woman about 30, running frantically towards us.

The boy's mom had the same eyes as him, her hair frizzly brown. Her skin was pale and wrinkly, looking stress.

"Danny! Don't run away like that!" She had her hands on her thighs, panting like crazy.

"But Mommmyyy!!" Danny wailed. "He's superman!" 

I chuckled at that. "You like superman huh?"

"Yeah!" The boy grinned a huge smile, showing a messy row of teeth. "Can you fly? Can I fly with you? Please! PLEASE!" Danny begged and whined. He showed his puppy dog eyes at me. 

My heart melted. 

Danny's mom (I think) said to Danny, "Danny dear, come here. Let's not annoy random people in camps." Danny stifled a cry. 

"But moooooom!"

"Danny, no. We talked about this." Danny crossed his hands and walked to his mom with a sulking face. He seemed like he was going to cry. "I'm so sorry about this." Danny's mom smiled an Apollo-getic (a/n get it, Apollo-getic) smile at me. "Let's go Danny."

"Wait!" I told the mom. "Danny can fly with me." 

"You don't need to do thi-" She started before I cut her off. "No, I insist. Please let me do it!" 

Danny sent her mom pleading look. His mom sighed and then smiled. "Sure, why not." 

Danny screeched of joy, then ran towards me. I held on him tight and then we flew.

We flew over the Amphitheater. Over at the beach, Danny put his hands in the river water, creating a jet stream. We flew over the cabins waving at every camper we saw. Then finally we stopped at where we began.

Danny ran to his mom. "Thank you," she whispered. "For making Danny's dream come true."

Then they walked off.


It was 1 year after the whole Camp ordeal. Jason stared sadly at a letter he'd gotten a few days earlier. A little tear left his eyes.

"Jason, come on! We'll be late!" Piper said. She was wearing an all-black fit and tried to dress as modestly as possible. She was wearing a black dress. 

Jason let the note down. Then got up and walked to Piper. Hand in hand they left the house, and to a funeral.

Dear Jason Grace,

Thank you so much for making Danny's dream of flying come true.

Not long after that he was diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukemia. We didn't have the money to afford treatment. We raised a go fund-me. But when we had enough it was too late.

His Leukemia gotten the better of him.

So thank you, for making Danny's dream come true before his death.


Crystal Danlery.

(a/n what was supposed to be a heartwarming fluffy chapter it ended up having a sad ending. Sorry not sorry. A future series will prolly have a lot of death, or a mild one. Oh, and Danny's mom's name is a reference to an original series I'm making, for my friend. Dunno if it'll be uploaded on Wattpad though. Sorry for not updating for a long time)

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