Chapter 4: Demeter Trivia At The Demeter Table

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The Hephaestus table fiasco wasn't the only loud thing with mortals. Just as Leo ran off things started at our table.

"So who's your godly parent," asked this red head with blue eyes. I honestly have no clue who his sibling is.

"'Meter," I said still chewing my lunch. It's lunch time not interrogate-people's-personal-information time. I don't care if grown ups think I'm unmannered. I'm fairly mannered, as mannered as a demigod can be. Which isn't much, but still!

The old man next to her looked at me cross eyed. I said 'Meter not Demeter, he probally thought I was dumb. The red headed boy next to him realized this, and let out an annoying comment. "Meter is a metric measurement not greek god. Ha, I'm smarter in greek mythology than a daughter of a god! Where did you get your dumbness from, your mom?"

If you ever end up in CHB never say and insult your mom/dad (depends on the godly parent -Percy. Sally is awesome.) These guys are gods, they can incenerate you. So right on cue the thunder rumbled, luckily the mortals were ok. How lucky they are it wasn't Athena!

The poor mortal must've been confused, so I explained to him,"'Meter is short for Demeter, the goddes of grains and plants." It honestly should be a crime to confuse clueless mortals.

"Isn't she like a minor god?" Thunder rumbled.

"No she's an Olympian and one of Kromos' six children," Katie explained before I could. I sent her a confused look.

"She's one of the weakest right?" More thunder.

"Not really, she can be scary," Meg confides.

"What-" but Steve cutted Steve off.

"Look, if you're goimg to ask questions tell us your name first. I'll start, hi! I'm Steve!" Steve said to the whole table, who started listening to our Demeter Trivia.





"Miranda," I said as everybody stated their names. More people stated their names though. The mortal boy turned out to be this person named Tolle Land, brother to Tello Land.

"Do you have any special powers?" The old man next to Tolle -Mr. Land- asked.

"Quite a few," Billie said.

"Like Chlorokinesis," Douglas said. "Which has a lot of sub-powers."

"Some examples of which are: Plant Telekinesis, Plant Sensitivity, Plant Growth Accelaration, Plant Telerportation, and Wood Sensitivity!" Meg explained.

"We have a bit control of Geokinesis if we practice, even more than Hades kids!" Katie adds.

"We're also master chefs and some, like Meg, can summon Karpoi," Tello concluded.

"Which are?" Tolle said raising an eyebrow. Those words were a bit confusing, some of them.

"Control plants, feel plants, make plants grow faster, teleport plants, feel plants, and summon plant demons!" I simplified.

He oohed, nodding his head signalling that he understood.

Done with Demeter!

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