Chapter 5: Poseidon Scum Has The Best Mortal Family

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I have a love-hate relationship with the fates.

They make me do terrible stuff and make me see friends die, but they gave me a beutiful, wonderful girlfriend and loving mortal family (after I was 12). Heck, I got a little sister!

So really it balances eachother out. I should probally be glad with my mortal family, the others seem to be having problems (*cough* Hephaestus table *cough*). And I'm sure more to come.

"Pewsie," my little mortal half-sister, Estelle said as she tugged my t-shirt.

"What do you want Estelle?" I said as I picked her up.

"Pewsie, Esty want Pewsie," she said in an absolutely cute voice. Gods, she was a cute ball of fluff. I tickled her belly and she giggled.

"Pewsie! Pewsie!"

"Awwwww," mom cooed. She snapped a pocture on a camera I never knew we had. "You're both so cute together."

I then got a good idea, "Estelle want to hear a story?"

"Stowy! Stowy!" She said extremely happy.

"Okay, okay," I said tickling her belly. Her giggles were so cute. "One day we were sailing alon the Mare Nostrum, when all of the sudden pirates attacked!" I said that suprised. "The leader was Chrysaor, my half-brother. His crew were these dolphin dudes. We were almost taken when I had the best idea. I pretended mr.D sent us on this quest. I brought diet coke, and it scared them. I told them Piper and Hazel went crazy and everyone would too. Then Frank turned into a crazy dolphin. It actually worked! They ran away. The end," I told her. "Moral of the story, always bring Diet Coke in the case of crazy pirates.

I guess Estelle liked the story because she was clapping and giggling.

I love my mortal family.

The end.

A lil' short one because there is no problems for Percy.

So Q: Which one first?

Athena or Ares

Ares has a fight scene
Athena plans

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