Chapter 12: The Screaming From Last Chapter Was Caused By The Hunters Of Artemis

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Me and bubba were practicing archery with a bunch of people. The instructors were these girls called the Hunters who could shoot pretty well (mostly). Anyways, once you finish shooting you gotta pull the arrows. When you shoot a close distance (say 5-20 meters) it doesn't really matter, but once you go far, the walks just get longer and you end up exhausted. Me and bubba shot at 30 meters.

So we started walking towards the targets. We did normal things like banter and goofing around (it earned stares from the Hunters, who are really judgemental for no dang reason. Apparently people can't have fun anymore). Well for some reason while he was walking backwards (don't ask) he just had to step on his shoelaces. And then he just had to catch onto the closest thing which was a huntress. And she just had to get offended over a man needing help.

He tried to mutter an apology but it was too late. She pushed him over and started beating him up (an overreaction).

I rushed forward, trying to get this crazy lady off of bubba. I grabbed her hands and tried to make her let go, but she kicked me in my stomach (Seriously what's her problem?) I fell back and she punched my face. Things escalated real fast.

My mind raced. My sight blurred. I fell. And that was that.

I woke up in a white bed with a light headache. I sat up and looked around. Several beds were stationed and most had people in it. Kids rushed around in white doctor jackets tending to patients. Herbs, antibiotics, casts, and other medicine-y stuff were on shelves. A big brown cabinet was tucked away in one corner.

"Good, you're awake," a high-pitched voice said. It came from a short girl with blonde hair. She had blue eyes and tanned skin. "The injuries aren't too bad. Don't worry, none of them scars. Don't go too fast though." She added the last part because I swiftly got out of the bed. It gave me a slight headache.

"Where's my big brother?" She pointed towards a bed and oh. That is BAD. I looked away.

"Is he going to be fine?" The girl smiled nervously.

"I don't kn-know," she stuttered. Then her demeanor changed. "But I'm sure he'll be fine! All he'll have left will be scars, I pro-"

"Don't promise things that you can't control," I said, quoting bubba. "Just, try your best?" She nodded.

"Now you best be off, lunch is a few minutes. You can visit him during that time." And she herded me out the door. I swear I heard her sigh after I left.

~Hehe I have big things planned~

I sat at table number 24. There were only 2 families sitting here (including mine unluckily). Right next to me is a girl with black hair and hazel eyes (like mine) named Penelope. Across the table two caramel haired girls were talking, the sisters Leanne and Nelliana. Their dad (an old man with gray hair and blue) was eating a salad. Oliver Bloomsbury had gone to war with spaghetti (ew).

Penny tugged my hands. I stared at her, "what?"

"Is Noah gonna be okay?" she said in the soft voice of hers.

I smiled at the cutie (don't think that way, Mike!). "I hope."

"He's not gonna die, is he?" her whole face dropped at the thought. I sighed.

"Look, Penny, we don't know. All we gotta do is wait." She frowned at that. "But Noah's strong-" (way stronger than me) "-he'll get through it." Penelope nodded, seemingly satisfied. "And if you want we can visit him later. But finish your food first." Her eyes twinkled, and she seemed to become interested in her chicken sandwich.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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