Chapter 7: Ares' Clarisse is a better fighter Than A Trained Mortal (Obviously)

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"Alright punks, I'm Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares and I'm your sparring mentor," a girl with dirty brown hair said while cracking her knucles.

At this I laughed.

"What's funny punk?" The girl sneered at me, glaring a very fierce stare.

"How, *laugh* can you *laugh* be a *laugh* sparring mentor!" I exclaimed between laughs. "Your only a wannabe."

She sneered, "you wanna test that Punk?"

I smirked, knowing I'd beat her, "gladly."

"I bet 50 drachmas He's dead!" A son of Hermes screamed.

"Styx," the other person -the one that betted- muttered.

Luckily for him I'm trained by the best of the best, and is set on becoming a bodyguard. This pathetic girl don't know what's coming.

She should know to leave it to the boys for protection, girls are only meant to be mated with and do the housework.

I tried to grab a sword but it went straight through me! I screamed in fright. Everybody was laughing.

Clarry threw a wooden sword at me. Doesn't she know she has to respect boys?!. Ugh, girls these days.

We started to spar.

I jabbed, parried, and dodge, our fighting became one motion, one dance. She was fast, for a girl. But I was fast for a boy. Finally I got closed enough to disarm her spear.

I was about to ask her to yield when she looked up at me in amusement,

And kicked me in the place where the sun doesn't shine.

She ran to get her spear and we sparred yet again.

She disarmed me, and placed me in a chokehold.

"Do you yield?"


She glared and I whimpered back.

"Ye-yes," I said whimpering, wanting to pee my pants.


The dude who betted on me groaned, but payed his debt nonetheless. He muttered something about never wanting to bet for me.

Like how? She's a girl! How can she win? It's impossible.

"What?" I asked as everybody stared at me, the boys in Orange and Purple looked worried but mad, while the girls glared like there's no tommorow.

"You said that aloud," someone pointed out.

Then all the girls ran forward and tackled me. They punched and kicked me until I was bruised and bloody. I think some of my bones were broken.
H  e lp

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                                           ..     .     .


I woke up with my head hurting. I was in the infirmary lying on the cot. Bandages everywhere on my body.

A blonde haired boy stood over me, acting like the doctor. Which he obviously wasn't. He's too young and he's a demigod. Dangerous breeds they are.

"Not even a full day in and already you're in the infirmary," he said exparastedly, rolling his eyes.

"I hate people like you," was the last thing he said to me before he turned his heels and went to a different patient.


"Hey Clarisse!" Calypso called out to the very fustriated daughter of Ares.

Clarisse stopped trugging violently, turned around like a marcher in a marching band, and said in snarl, "What do you want Calypso?"

Calypso smirked, Clarrise was in the perfect mood, angry. "Well Leo and I made an idea," Calypso paused, checking if Clarisse would say something about Leo. Clarisse in fact did not object, so Calypso continued, " Bassically proving to mortals we are not just teens. What do you think? You're in?"

Clarisse took this information in, pondering wether or not to join. "What's in it for me?"

"You get to kick butt." And that was enough to make Clarrise sign.

"That fight was awesome girl," a feminine voice said out of nowhere.
It was the voice of noneother than Evelyn Chiva, accompanied by Hyad Hybre.

They came to congratulate Clarrisse, but her signing of the paper also sparked their curiousity.

"Thanks Evelyn, that mortal was slow," Clarrisse thanked her.

Evelyn just smiled. She was the first and only daughter of Thatanos, god of death.

"Whachu galls doing?" Hyad asked, his eyes full of curiousity. Hyad was a son of Hybris, which by the name you would've guessed she's the goddes of exaggerated self-pride.

Calypso changed her tactic. For Hyad she would enhance the bragging rights, but for Evelyn she would explain the educational one. "Well it's this thing that will help mortals with what happens during the wars," Calypso started as Evelyn looked at her skeptically. "Maybe they're even know that life is short! Especially for you guys." Her tactic must've been working because Evelyn asked to sign, but she still looked skeptical.

"And Hyad, you get insane bragging rights! They're might be sword masters in the mortals but you can prove we're better! So what do you say?" Upon hearing the word brag, Hyad had already wrote his name.

Mission Accomplished.

When Calypso checked the list, this is what greeted her:

3. Percy
5. Clarisse
6. Annabeth
9. Leo
22. Evelyn
28. Hyad

"Wow!" Calypso thought. "7/29 already!"


Who's next?

Yes I accidently uploaded it early.

Also this books ranks:

#7 in mortalmeetsdemigods and

#8 in pjofandom

Y'all are awesome.

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