Chapter 8: Aphrodite (Kids) Rangers To The Rescue!

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Hey! Lacy here!

What you don't know who I am?


I'm the daughter of Aphrodite that was nice to Piper when she first came. I'm the daughter of Aphrodite who was besties with Sadie Kane and went to Brooklyn Academy for the Gifted.

Yes I know who Sadie really is.

Now you remember who I am?

You do.


I'm the head of the Aphrodite Rangers, not Piper. Mitchell is the vice-head. Piper isn't one to spy on all the OTPs. But she saw that we, the rest of the Aphrodite cabin wanted so she signed the paper and it's official. The Aphrodite Rangers were true.

We don't only take OTP pictures, we protect them and give out harsh punishment to mortals and demigods who try to sink them. Chiron knows that's really important, so when that happens we can skip our chores and/or activities!

We are not heroes nor are we villains.
We are just the Aphrodite Rangers from the Neighborhood, from home.

Anyways I was walking down the beach since it was free time, when I saw this trechterous scene!

A mortal boy that looked a lot like my sister -Drew Tanaka- was flirting* with Annabeth!

I pressed the red button in my pocket, signalling the other Aphrodite Rangers to come.

Blue is a smal threat. For some cute couples that are not OTPs, also for mortal couples we find.

Yellow is a medium threat. For the small OTPs and some really, really cute ones.

And Red is a ginormous threat. For the OOO, OTPs of OTPs.

This was a red, Percabeth is the OOO.

Usually if the mortal didn't know they were in a relationship we let them go, but we specifically warned them againts this. So the punishment would be severe.

One by one the Aphrodite Rangers came from all sides, surrounding him. I ran straight to the middle, ready to intercept him.

"Woah! Jeez, what's happening? Am I so hot that all the pretty ladies want me?" the mortal askes in an arrogant voice.

Annabeth looked she wanted to gag, and I wanted too.

The Aphrodite Rangers do not flirt with people that we intercept, no matter how hot they are. We are the children of Love and they try to break out Ships. We do not show mercy. None. At. All.

I stepped forward from my sisters and brothers. "I am Lacy Schultz, leadee of the Aphrodite Rangers. And you are coming with us."

"Yeah like I'll ever listen to a girl," the boy said with a cocky laughed. My hatred for him grew.

"Who are you anyway?" I asked.

"I'm Mark Tanaka, you might now my sister, Drew Tanaka." Oh, he's relate to that who- Hera of a sister.

"Thanks Mark. And now we're gonna take you the hard way," I said before I punched him and knocked him out.

I them prepared to bring him to Bunker 10.

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