The Secrets of the Desert (Chapter 8)

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Before you read ahead I wanted to say this... WOW!! Thank you all so much!! The Dragon Knight; The Awakening of the Legend got to 1000 on the 27th of February and hit 100.000 reads a few days later!! So thank you all!

And secondly, you probably didn't notice but for me the last chapter was a big mess. I messed up Rubis and Emeraude and when I noticed I didn't have the time to change it. The last upload was really hectic because I was literally 5 minutes away from leaving for my trip.

But enjoy this chapter though  =)


“You know him?” Robin whispered softly to me.

Priam had been offered a seat next to the King and they were talking about the archives now. Well the Dragon Knight was doing most of the talking but the King would ask the occasional question. Lassa too was paying close attention to the conversation his father was having but the Queen on the other hand was busy with her daughters. Neither seemed interested in the appearance of Priam. And that left me and Robin.

“Yes, that’s Priam. I told you about him, didn’t I?” I frowned. I was sure I had, it was just the fact that he had a daughter that looked like me that I hadn’t mentioned.

“Yes, you did. But he was dead.”

“No, the Dragon Knights slowly came back to life from the moment I got to Istana Pasir. And when I left they were supposed to leave as well. Sofia wanted them to gather information about Seelan and the prophecy and whatnot. I was sure I mentioned this, or maybe I didn’t. Sorry, it must have slipped my mind.”

It must have slipped your mind?” Robin asked incredulous. I gave him a sheepish grin and nodded slowly. He sighed and dropped his head in his hands. It had to be hard for him to be stuck with me; I wouldn’t have been able to deal with myself for this long if I had been in his position.

“Well, he might not mind as much as you think.” Zjarr grumbled in my mind. It was followed by an image flashing through the connection we shared. It had been quick but I caught sight of the piece of paper with my handwriting on it. Oh right. That had been true.

Robin kept his head down in his hands and seemed to be lost to the conversation around the table. Zjarr had probably kept her comment between us as well. I tried following the conversation between the King and Priam but I couldn’t. I had missed the beginning and I didn’t know enough of the archives. Only that it was the place where everything was kept; every book written about history and maps and whatnot was kept there. Or at least a copy.

“What do you know about the archives?” I asked, turning back to Robin. To my surprise he was still holding onto his head. “Hey, are you okay? You look a little pale… uh, I mean paler than usual.” I corrected myself. Since he looked like his elf-self again he was paler than what I was used to. When he didn’t answer I put a hand on his shoulder with the intention of turning him towards me but instead I froze.

A voice filled my head. It was a deep threatening voice that sounded vaguely familiar. Whatever it was saying was in old Tanah Bulian but I immediately understood that it wasn’t good. And it took me only a few seconds to figure out where I had heard it before. Bruin. That morning after the fire; the horse had been out of control and I had heard the same creepy voice. But Bruin was only a horse. Robin was a person who knew how to block unwanted people out of his head. The fact that this voice had made its way through the door sent a shiver down my spine.

Ignoring whatever the voice was mumbling to Robin, I forced him to turn around. Robin’s eyes seemed glazed over, like he didn’t even see me, like he had no idea that I had moved him. But I ignored that as well, as much as it scared me. Instead I placed both my hands on the side of his head, my palms on his temples.

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