The Secrets of the Desert (Chapter 4)

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Okej, so just a quick word of vocabulary before you start...

Isen --> Ice in Norwegian. You might have guessed what it meant just by looking at but for those who didn't, there you go!!


    I closed the door behind me, wondering why I bothered since everyone else here was a ghost and could float right through it; I had seen it today. I sighed and looked around the room. It looked just the same as Sofia’s room had looked; a big, comfortable bed, a dresser, the drapes covering the opposite, the curtain going to the bathroom. I really didn’t get why Sofia wanted me to use hers and Priam’s room again.

     Apparently, now that I was here, they were allowed to stay by the elements and thus they needed to sleep as well. Meaning they would get their room and I would sleep in one of the many unused bedrooms. It made me more comfortable than knowing I was kicking them out of their room. Metaphorically speaking.

     In the dresser I found clean clothing and pulled out a tunic which would be fine for bed. I lay between the soft covers, staring at the dark ceiling. Now that the sun had gone down over the Desert the cave was pitch black, the only light coming from the candles the Dragon Knights had lit. I stared at the dark ceiling wondering where Zjarr was, where Robin was, what they were doing, how worried they were about me.

     Tomorrow I would get more answers about why I was here and about the prophecy. Hopefully I could go back to my dragon and Robin soon enough. I didn’t think for a second that I was like the others here. It wouldn’t make any sense if I was stuck here because after all I had a prophecy with my name on it. There was no way they would or even could keep me here if they wanted something done about that evil in the east.

     I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes, trying to imagine I was home in Fullmåne. It had been a long time since I had been there; first there had been the war against Delstaten Solen, I had barely been home after that before Robin took me to Álfar. I still couldn’t believe I had been in the Elfique Forest for three months; it had felt like just a few weeks, though the days had blurred together making it seem so short.

     And now I was stuck somewhere under the Desert. How did my life go from the same daily boring routine to this?! Maybe Zjarr had something to do with it. Who was I kidding? The moment I first laid eyes on Zjarr everything about my life had been turned upside down.

     It had been the best thing that had ever happened. A small smile came onto my face just as I fell asleep.


     The next day after breakfast Sofia gave me a tour of the castle itself. Although I had ready seen most of the rooms she explained a little more about them. The room filled with weapons was just the weaponry, although most weapons had never been used. One of the Knights, Anselm, had forged everything himself but at the time they hadn’t known yet that they would never leave. Now that I was here he had picked up the forging again.

     Sofia ignored my questioning looked when she told me this but I would get an explanation about it eventually. If I would pester her long enough about it she would give in. She took me through several rooms next. One was a library. There were journals of Dragon Knights in the shelves but also other books. I wondered briefly what they were about and even how they got there. I remembered the first time I had been in the Dragon Knight library in Fullmåne and how scared I had been.

     “Are there Dragon Knight libraries everywhere?” I asked while eying the books. They all looked really old but in surprisingly good condition.

     “Pretty much; there where we could stay there was usually a library. And because only Knights could find them people didn’t usually know about them.”

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