Land of Waves 4: An Unknown Change

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Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi woke up around the same time which was early in the morning to get ready for their fight with Zabuza.

The awake Genin in Team Seven noticed that their only female teammate was still asleep and looked at their sensei to silently ask if they should wake her up. Kakashi-sensei shook his head as a no and quietly explained to them that Mito should get some rest because she was probably tired from training.

They went down stairs, leaving Mito and her almost silent snores to herself, and met up with Tazuna at the front door.

"Are you sure you can protect me from Zabuza?" Tazuna asks worryingly.

"Yes, I'll even give up my life if I have to." Kakashi reassured the bridge builder.

Tazuna gave a small nod, still not convinced at Kakashi's words but still left to complete the unnamed bridge.

When they arrived, they came to see everyone working on the bride slaughtered. Blood stained the nearly completed bridge's floor with bodies scattered around.

Tazuna ran to one of the injured people that was in their own puddle of blood and shouted out their name.

The man's eyes opened slightly and barely managed to say their attacker's name before he went unconscious.

Right after he spoke, mist covered the bridge and Team Seven went into their defensive stance with Kakashi revealing his Sharingan yet again.

A small chuckle was heard and the mist cleared itself slightly to see Zabuza and the 'hunter nin'.

The senseis gave death glares to each other until the swordsman decided to speak through his bandaged mouth.

"Showing your Sharingan already?" Zabuza jokingly mocks.

The Copy Ninja grunted and said, "No one's seen my Sharingan twice and lived."

"Then I'll be the first!" He confidently smirked.

Zabuza's smirk grew wider and he eyed Kakashi, challenging him to make the first move.

Kakashi excepted his challenge and ran at Zabuza with an empty hand to punch him. Zabuza dodged his fast and powerful punch by moving his head to the side and curled his right fist into a ball to punch his stomach. Kakashi, however, saw this coming and proofed away when Zabuza's fist smashed into Kakashi's stomach.

'A clone?!' Zabuza thought before looking around the bridge to find the original Kakashi.

Kakashi, who body-flickered behind Zabuza, created a Chidori and was going to jab it through Zabuza's back when his instincts told him to dodge.

Zabuza took hold of his sword and swung it right after Kakashi dodged with his Chidori going to strike at the swordsman's stomach when he jumped back.

While the S-ranked shinobis fight to the death, Zabuza's student, Haku, started his own fight with the Uchiha.

Ice mirrors formed around Sasuke, creating an ice dome. He looked around to find an exit but there was none.

The masked shinobi went into one of the mirrors and the rest of the mirrors reflected him, making him undetectable.

Haku took three senbon in each of his hands and after throwing them, Haku went through every mirror while continuously throwing more of his senbons at Sasuke.

"Naruto!" Kakashi managed to say in his intense fight. "Help Sasuke get out of that ice dome!"

He nodded and immediately tried some of his fire jutsus on Haku's Ice mirrors but instead of melting, there was no reaction.

'So fire jutsus won't work...' Naruto analysed.


Mito sat up from her futon tiredly and rubbed her eyes. She looked around the suspiciously quiet room and her eyes widened.

'They left without me!' She thought.

Then, a loud sudden bang rang through her ears. She got up and ran down the stairs where she heard the loud noise. Mito stopped behind the front door and saw Tsunami being held hostage and Inari was getting chocked.

She created a clone and walked through the door. The bandits noticed her and one of them said, "Another one?"

She spoke to Inari, ignoring the bandits in front her, "Heroes always show up last minute!" Then, she made a cross sign her her two finders and shouted, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A figure, which looked identical to Mito, appeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Why do you look scared? It's just a kid!" One of the bandits said to the other.

"I'm not a kid!" Mito's clone glared before attacking the bandits.

One of the Mito's started to run towards them and because they underestimated her, they didn't move but drew their swords instead.

With one struck, they easily sliced her in half. "That was easy. That brat was too cocky." He mocked without realising they'd just fell for her trap.

The original Mito used the smoke made by her clones dispelling as a smoke bomb and jumped through it, surprising the bandits.

At the end, she successfully captured them by tying them up.

"You bastard!" One of the captured men said angrily.

Mito chuckled in response and turned to Inari and Tsunami. "Are you guys okay?"

Tsunami nodded gratefully and Inari, for the first time Mito has seen, smiled.

"Where are the others?"

"They left a while ago."

"Without me?!" She screamed.

She sheepishly chuckled and said yes to her question.


Mito was panting by the time she arrived to the bridge. She was about to shout at her team for leaving her behind when she saw her teammate, Sasuke, stuck in a dome made out of ice with Naruto outside of it while trying to block as much senbons from hitting Sasuke as he can with kunais and shurikens and her sensei fighting Zabuza.

"Sasuke!" She shouted.

Mito ran to Naruto who had an unworried face on him and asked, "What happened?!"

"The enemy used his Kekkei Genkai on Sasuke while Kakashi was distracted with fighting Zabuza." Naruto reported.

"Do you know any fire Jutsus?" She panicked.

"I do but they don't work on the ice mirrors."

"Then what should we do?!"

Naruto then thought about the situation. He can barely protect Sasuke from the outside but if he goes inside, he would also get stuck unless he manages to kill the enemy and force the Jutsu to stop.

Naruto knew the second option was much more harder to do because the rouge nin goes through the mirrors so quickly that even Naruto would find it hard to catch her so the first option was more reasonable but something kept him from doing so.

'What's going on with me?' He thought before saying, "We're going inside."

"What? Wouldn't we get trapped like Sasuke?"

He nodded and jumped in the dome just in time to block multiple senbons froom Sasuke's back.

'What's happening with me? Why am I doing this?' He asked himself as the harmless injuries began healing himself.

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