Chunin Exams 5: Siblings

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"Well..." the Hokage starts. "Mito says that you're her brother, Naruto."

"So is it true?!"

Sarutobi sighs and says, "It's true, you're Naruto sister."

She bounces around the room excitedly while saying, "I told you, Naruto!"

"If I may, Sarutobi," Danzo said, "Why were we called here? Naruto already knows that he has a sister and I have nothing to do with this."

"I simply felt that Naruto should be here and since you're his guardian, you should know that Mito found out."

"Wait, why was it a secret?" Mito curiously said.

"It was so that Naruto could focus on becoming useful to the village without any interruptions." Danzo said.

"Useful to the village?"

The Hokage then coughed.  He interrupted them and said, "How about you two go and spend some time together? I need to talk to Danzo about some things."

"Okay, jiji!" She says while dragging a bowing Naruto out of the Kage's office.

"So what were the things you needed to talk with me about?"


After Hokage's one word, the entire room became tense. He shooed the four hidden Anbus away before continuing, "Some of my Anbus founded out that Orochimaru's been planning to attack the village on the final round of the Chunin Exams."

Danzo suppressed a growing smirk and waited for his old friend to continue.


"Let's eat ramen, Naruto!" Mito says excitedly as she drags the blond around the village. She stops at a ramen stand run by a man and his daughter.

"Teuchi! Ayame!" She greets.

"Welcome," Teuchi said.

"Oh, I've been here before..." Naruto mumbles to himself.

"You have?" Mito asks.

"Yes, with Kakashi-sensei."

"What?! Kakashi-sensei brought you out for ramen?!" She jealousy cries.

Naruto muffled a chuckle and sat down the stools with Mito. Teuchi took their order and they patiently waited for it to arrive.


The sun was setting as Naruto was running around the village. His hood was fully pulled up, covering his fox-masked face and his cloak that was covering his body which makes it difficult to aim for specific points of his body.

By the time he located Kabuto, it was the perfect time for an assassination, a pitch black sky with the moon hiding behind clouds.

The young assassin peeked through the living room window of the hotel Kabuto and his team were staying in. There seemed to be a small argument before Kitsune's target shut the door, leaving his teammates in the room.

He watched Kabuto come out of the hotel and take a stroll around the village with Kitsune hearing faint mumbles every once in a while.

Patiently, he waits for a chance to attack and when he sees Kabuto go to the men's bathroom, he got an idea and waited in a corner outside.

He masked his presence so well that he was basically a ghost to anyone who was a low-Jonin or below and minutes later, the man he was ordered to kill stepped out.

Managing to avoid the fatal slice to the neck with instinct only, Kabuto dodged more blows from the blond Anbu.

Kitsune was slowly draining the energy out of Kabuto with his large stamina and reserves compared his. It was only until Kitsune was choking him using his right arm that Kabuto was able to get an advantage.

He was taller than Kitsune so so his speed, he was able to make the Jinchuriki loose grip and throw him onto the ground.

The Root agent gasped for air and Kabuto then pointed two senbon needles against his throat.

Before he could put Kitsune into a death-like sleep, the blond substituted with a stick not so far away.

Using the confusion, Naruto sped through the hand-signs for a powerful Wind Bullet Jutsu and accurately blasted them through Kabuto's neck, piercing deep, bloody holes inside.

Kitsune sealed the body in a scroll and started working on cleaning the place to hide if any evidence.

An hour later, he was finally done and he flickered a few miles away from Konohagakure's gates.

He unsealed the scroll he was carrying Kabuto in and took off his shoes to make footprints on the ground and tree branches, slowly leading further away from the village. Naruto also made sure that he was leaving Kabuto's scent while covering his own as he was completing the mission.

When he was done, he double checked everything and went straight back to report to his leader.

When he arrived, he went through the narrow entrance which was guarded by two Anbus and went straight to Danzo's office.

"Danzo-sama, I've completed the mission." Naruto states.

He nods in acknowledgment and waits for his Anbu to report.

"I located Kabuto in his hotel's living room where he was in an argument with his teammates..." Naruto says.


"You're dismissed." Danzo said before Naruto disappears from the room.

Right after, there was a knock on his office. He let them in saw that one of his Root agents was bringing in a monkey that was latched onto the agent's arm.

"The Hokage sent a messenger, Danzo-sama." He says.

Danzo motioned for the Anbu to bring the monkey to him and once it landed on his desk, the Anbu bowed and disappeared.

The monkey took out a scroll with a seal that only allowed Danzo to open it and when he released the seal, the monkey also disappeared.

Danzo opened the scroll and it said,

'Danzo, my Anbus founded out that Kabuto is working for Orochimaru. In the finals, send some of your Anbus to surround the arena and help with the attack.

- Sarutobi Hiruzen'

After reading, Danzo's eyes shined before he made a quick Fireball Jutsu and burnt the letter into ashes.

With a plan in mind, he opened a drawer from his desk and took out a large piece of blank paper and dipped his brush into the ink jar and began drawing the layout of the arena.

Once he was done, he drew out the Anbu squads around the arena like the Hokage asked for.

When he was done, he left his office and went into a larger room with a stage.

He put his palm over the Anbu tattoo on his shoulder which signalled all his Root operatives who weren't on missions to come to him.

By the time 5 minutes have passed, all his Anbus arrived and were waiting for their leaders orders.

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