Chunin Exams 2: Secrets Revealed

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Mito looked over excitedly, wanting to know if she and Naruto were somehow related. As she scanned the card, her eyes went wide on what she saw.

Name: Uzumaki Naruto
Age: 13
Rank: Root Anbu
Relatives: Classified, Classified, Mito
Team: Kakashi (sensei), Sasuke, Mito
Ninjutsu: Unknown
Taijutsu: Unknown
Genjutsu: Unknown

"... WHAT?!"

Mito's shout was heard by everyone in the room as she turned her head to Naruto whose eyes narrowed at Kabuto.

"Is this true?! Did you know about this?!" She asks with glowing eyes.

"It's not true,"

"Are you sure?! We look alike too!"

"I'm sure." Naruto denies.

"I don't believe you." She huffs.

Naruto shrugs and listened to Kabuto say, "All the information from my cards are true,"

"Really?!" Mito said excitedly on finding out she had family.

"He could be lying." The pineapple-head said. "Anyways, what is Root Anbu? There are Anbu Black Ops but I've never heard of Root."

Naruto shrugs at Shikamaru's question and kept ignoring his sister who kept bothering him with questions.

"I wonder who's older?" She asked.

"Who do you think our parents were?" She asked again.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Shikamaru says over Mito.

"Kabuto could be lying," Naruto repeated his statement which the Nara hummed in response.

Mito continued to bombard Naruto with more and more questions, which he skilfully ignored, and instead, he questioned why Kabuto had so much information.

'How did Kabuto get my rank and relatives? I understand how he could've gotten the rest but not those. Is there a spy? If so, I need to report this to Danzo-sama.'

His thought was cut off when someone appeared in a puff of smoke just like Kakashi's.

"My name is Ibiki Morino." The man who just appeared with a couple Chunins said in a powerful voice, "I'll be your examiner for this round."

He then made everyone find their assigned seats with a shout and explained the rules while the Chunins in the room handed out the test papers.

"There are ten questions and you have forty minutes to answer all nine questions. If you finished, wait for me to announce the tenth." He said before continuing, "Everyone will get ten points at the beginning and once you get to zero, you and your team fail. If you're caught cheating, you'll loose two points which means you can't be caught cheating five times."

After a while of silence, he started the exam.

The sounds of pencil on paper began to rise along with points getting taken off.

Within twenty minutes of the exam, the first shinobi lost all ten points. A kunai was launched where the shinobi was, scaring him and the person in front of him who almost got hit.

"Get out." Said the strict voice of Ibiki.

"W- what?"

"I said, get out,"

After a while of arguing, the Morino scared him enough for him and his team to leave.

With Naruto, he was answering every question with ease, not needing to cheat like the others. When he was done, which didn't take long, he raised his hand, catching the proctor's attention.

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